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Alaskan Malamute -
CHPL TASHUNGA z Radockiej Góry
Dam born: 18. September 2004
Hip: SV: HD-normal (a1) - Elbows: Not knownBreed report
No breed report has been submitted
ROMINTCH,MULTICH,CLUBW Tanana YUPIK UNKAS ROM 2002PKR.V -9990 HD-A Sire | INT CH B & NL Yupik's Gizmo 1994WP 57748306 HD- Sire | CH Mobear's Mountain Man 1990AKC WG480533 HD-OFA: Good Sire |
CH Yupik's Nakina Sno-Bunny 1987AKC WG130829 HD- Dam | ||
CH.PL, CH.RUS, BOG Forti Fortuna Pass The Queen 2000HD-A Dam | CHD 10866CH Kipmik's Going My Way CHD 10866 1996CKC FY408195 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Sire | |
CH C.v. Selection Line Overnightrain 1990HD- Dam | ||
JCH/CH.PL Lakotah z Radockiej Góry HD-FCI: A 1/2 Dam | Cezar Placicke Doupe HD- Sire | CH POL Ccyrus Odyssea Severu CsHPK 1723/90 HD- Sire |
Haikara Veda HD- Dam | ||
INTCH.,CH.PL/ML.CH.P Farewell To Alaska Z Radockiej Gory 1998PKR V-5859 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Dam | CH PL Eskymo King Navarama 1995CMKU 4749/95 (PKR V 3177) HD- Sire | |
CHPL Lendi Wichrowy Zaprzeg HD- Dam |
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