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American Staffordshire Terrier -
CH Rounder's Bryton Rosita Bonita
Dam born: 03. February 2003
AKC RN01973203
Hip: Not known - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
CH Somerset's White Lightning 1994AKC RM12701804 HD-OFA: Good (STA-563G24M) Sire | U-CH Tonkawa Gray Fox 1993AKC RM08553801 HD- Sire | CH Tonkawa Big Tex 1984AKC RA883889 HD-OFA: Fair Sire |
CD, CGC, TT, #1 ASTCH Rounder's Blueberry Hill CD, CGC, TT, #1 AST 1991AKC RM02646101 HD-OFA: Fair Dam | ||
CDRounder's Miss Piggy CD 1992AKC RM05500302 HD-OFA: Fair Dam | TT, CGC, SCT, FAST-VGAKC & UKC CH Rowdytown's Hardrock Cafe TT, CGC, SCT, FAST-VG 1987AKC RB145524 HD-OFA: Fair Sire | |
Ch. Rounder's Precious Gem 1983RA885554 HD-OFA: Good Dam | ||
CH Rounder's Brandy is Dandy HD-OFA: Good Dam | CH Rounder's Dynamic Deluxe RM10459501 HD-OFA: Fair Sire | CH Rowdytown's Piece of the Rock 1988AKC RB244456 HD-OFA: Fair Sire |
Rounder's Snowflake RM03976103 HD- Dam | ||
CH Grand Prix Double Helix 1992RM06506101 HD-OFA: Good Dam | CH Tonkawa Big Tex 1984AKC RA883889 HD-OFA: Fair Sire | |
Carr's Little Ann of Rounders RM01460702 HD- Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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