Simple pedigree chart for Cora De L'Arrona (Groenendael) (1252108)

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Simple pedigree chart for Cora De L'Arrona (Groenendael) (GROEN)

Cora De L'Arrona (Groenendael) (GROEN)
(NOT REGISTERED) Nick Pinkerton (Groenendal) GROEN
Nick-Carter LOSH 99267 GROEN
Imourad LOSH 66697 GROEN
Elzie LOSH 56250 (?) GROEN
Labiche LOSH 87343 GROEN
Handicapeuse LOSH 59492 GROEN
Gyp De La Marcinelle (Groenendal) GROEN (NOT REGISTERED)
Top De Beausart GROEN
Gyp Du Passage (Groenendal) GROEN
Follette (Groenen) Collin GROEN
Rita De L'Arrona (Groenendal) GROEN (NOT REGISTERED)
Top 'Billy'S Father' (Groenendal) GROEN (UNREGISTERED)
No information about the Sire
No information about the Dam
Sarah 'Billy's Mother' (Groenendal) GROEN (UNREGISTERED)
No information about the Sire
No information about the Dam
Mirza [Arrona Kennels] (Groenendal) GROEN (UNREGISTERED)
No information about the Sire
No information about the Sire
No information about the Dam
No information about the Dam
No information about the Sire
No information about the Dam


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