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German Shepherd Dog
The Haven Kennels
United States 
Location and contact
Sheryl Thompson
Sherman, Maine
United States
Phone:207-267-1552The Haven Kennels
Small hobby breeder specializing in German Shepherds for use as Service Dogs. We have puppies and adult dogs available. Trained service dogs for mobility, PTSD and Medical Alert. American AKC Showlines and West German Showlines available.
von Haven
Inserted:7.5 years agoFemale (2679597) German Shepherd Dog
Father: 2X VA1 (BSZS & USA) Schumann von Tronje
Mother: Dirigo Malibu Beach Vacation
Created by thehavenkennels
Mother: Dirigo Malibu Beach Vacation
Created by thehavenkennels
Father: 2X VA1 (BSZS & USA) Schumann von Tronje
Mother: Dirigo Malibu Beach Vacation
Created by GSDHeritage
Mother: Dirigo Malibu Beach Vacation
Created by GSDHeritage
Father: VA1 (GSDCA-WDA 2012) VA5 (USA Sieger 2012, 2013) Rocco vom Mittelwest
Mother: SG1-UKC USA CH -IABCA CH Edy von Mittelwest ll
Created by GSDHeritage
Mother: SG1-UKC USA CH -IABCA CH Edy von Mittelwest ll
Created by GSDHeritage
Exc. 1 Sieger Argentino 2.019 Machos Seleccionados. Iron von Bremer Haven
Inserted:7.1 years agoMale (2734009) German Shepherd Dog
Vice Sieger Argentino 2018. 5ta Cat. Hembras. Kuba von Bremer Haven
Inserted:3.7 years agoFemale (3090654) German Shepherd Dog
Father: SG 2 Sieger Argentina 2018 Zidane de Ailin Neyen
Mother: Irina von Bremer Haven
Created by vonbremerhaven
Mother: Irina von Bremer Haven
Created by vonbremerhaven
Father: Hopper Copper Vom Loganberg
Mother: Lil' Anne Von Hess Haus
Created by German Shepherd Adventures
Mother: Lil' Anne Von Hess Haus
Created by German Shepherd Adventures
Father: VA4 (USA 2017) Ucar von Bad-Boll
Mother: Dirigo Malibu Beach Vacation
Created by thehavenkennels
Mother: Dirigo Malibu Beach Vacation
Created by thehavenkennels
Father: Exc. 1 Sieger Argentino 2.019 Machos Seleccionados. Iron von Bremer Haven
Mother: Vice Sieger Argentino 2018. 5ta Cat. Hembras. Kuba von Bremer Haven
Created by vonbremerhaven
Mother: Vice Sieger Argentino 2018. 5ta Cat. Hembras. Kuba von Bremer Haven
Created by vonbremerhaven
Father: SG3 (USCA JHKL 2016) SG2 (GSDCA JHKL 2016) Anarchy von Nadar
Mother: Mijah von Decker
Created by Gwendolyn
Mother: Mijah von Decker
Created by Gwendolyn
Father: Constantine Lonestar Von Fehrenbach Haus
Mother: Lenore Vom Behringerhaus
Created by GSDHeritage
Mother: Lenore Vom Behringerhaus
Created by GSDHeritage
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