5 generation long pedigree for Pekevista Brocade Veil Of Sansarc

Pedigree Database

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Pedigree for

Pekevista Brocade Veil Of Sansarc

Knotrom's Chung Fee Of Colboxhall

Int Ch Highclass Mr Ching Lee Of Aes

Staround WantoStaround KokoStaround Ahn Ahn Lee
So'bestaa Of Cresthaven
Staround PeachaStaround Ahn Ahn Lee
Enga Of Crest Haven
El-Chiquitin's Lotus BlumeGer Ch Me'Too Of Crest HavenNavo Of Crest Haven
Byla Of Crest Haven
Fai'Ra Of Crest HavenMar'bo Of Crest Haven
Bluga Of Crest Haven
St Erme Goldenorchid (1)

No information about the damNo information about the damNo information about the sire
No information about the sire
No information about the sireNo information about the dam
No information about the dam
No information about the sireNo information about the damNo information about the sire
No information about the sire
No information about the sireNo information about the dam
No information about the dam
Pekevista Shan Soo Mei

Eng Ch Jaspar Of Kojak

Eng Ch Aes Into DynastyWinterlea Intoo Of AesMing Li Of Winterlea
Winterlea Sunbelle
Cresta Of CapilonStaround Quanto
Clogheen Natasha
Pekevista Mei Mei Shan Of AesSandcrest Aznavour In BlueStaround Quanto
Staround Hila
Arrendene Highclass Chinese MoonshineHighclass Hairless Blue Boy
Highclass Gypsy Girl
Pekevista Sum Chik Mei Of Kojak

Pekevista Fu Hsi ChanSandcrest Aznavour In BlueStaround Quanto
Staround Hila
Arrendene Highclass Chinese MoonshineHighclass Hairless Blue Boy
Highclass Gypsy Girl
Arrendene Highclass Chinese MoonshineHighclass Hairless Blue BoyEl-Chiquitin's Chin-Chan
El-Chiquitin's Lotus Blume
Highclass Gypsy GirlHighclass Hairless Harle Atom

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