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by sjbo659 on 06 October 2011 - 17:10

My Show Line Bouvierss


by ggturner on 06 October 2011 - 21:10

One of my female gsds is 1/2 SL so I guess I am also a misfit.  She is my "soul dog" and the smartest of my 3 gsds.  


by Stumpywop on 11 October 2011 - 15:10

Well I've always had Sl GSDs as have my family whilst I was growing up. But about 18 months ago I got my first WL GSD. She has severe HD so I have to think outside the boxx to keep her physically active.

I agree with Donnerstorm - It's Jenzi who drives me absolutely nuts at times whereas the boys (both SL) are much calmer and refined. Jenzi is like a mini-bulldozer with furry bits. She's 21 months old and is like a mini-tornado inthe house.

They're all great fun, but I get the best laughs with Jenzi. I think although I could claim to be part of both forums, I'll eventually end up attached to WL GSDs as time goes on a lot more.

by Blitzen on 12 October 2011 - 00:10

My first GSD was 50% ASL's, 50% GSL's. The 2nd and 3rd 100% GSL's. Currently I own a female that is 75% ASL, 25% GSL's. 


by Donnerstorm on 12 October 2011 - 04:10

Blitzen what did you notice in those combos? Care to share any observations?

by Blitzen on 12 October 2011 - 12:10


My last 2 dogs are from the same breeder who HOT titles her dogs in both German and AKC venues.  Sch, conformation, agility, OB, tracking, etc. They are/were very good dogs, probably the 2 best dogs I have ever owned. I don't think they are good dogs because of titles only; I think what makes them good dogs is that they and their parents were selected for certain traits that made them them viable candidates to achieve multiple titles. My current dog is an AKC champion sired by a Sch3, CDX, agility titled male. His dam, grandam, grandsire were muliti titled with Sch3, UD, UDT, IPO3, agility, etc.. 

As far as noticing any differences I would specifically attribute to their being GSL's or ASL's, not really but I did get both of these dogs as adults and they were already trained and titled, so I may have noticed something if I aquired them as puppies instead. I'm becoming a big believer in getting an adult dog that is already trained and titled .

Thanks for asking, it made me do a lot of thinking.


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