Simple pedigree chart for Sam Of Inver (1761274)

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Simple pedigree chart for Sam Of Inver

Sam Of Inver
Rivington Flight
Rivington Quest
Don Of Avendale
UK FT CH Dalshangan Dandy Boy
Downton Belle
UK FT CH Floss of Faskally
Nan Of Faskally (not reg)
Barbal Di
Ballantyne Rover
Glenmuir Patrick
Crosshill Blanche
Solwyn Flash
Solwyn Chloe
Clonyard Flounce
Rivington Slasher
Rivington Duke
Rivington Luck
Balcary Jill
Rivington Rocket
Auchencairn Meg
Clonyard Flame
Rivington Rocket
Clonyard Flirt
Sobenhal Coin
Tedwyns Tango
Tedwyns Trews
Rivington Tearaway
Tedwyns Tartar
Dalshangan Judy
Rivington Dinah
Rivington Ryper
Rivington Ronala
UK FT CH Banchory Boy
UK FT CH Banchory Bright
Dalshangan Judy
Dalshangan So So
Tibby Of Barncleuch
UK FT CH Tedwyns Tonic
Rhyddings Single Purpose
Don Of Avendale
UK FT CH Floss of Faskally
Baw-bee Of Blair
UK FT CH Bee Of Blair
Rebecca Of Stonelands
UK FT CH Dalshangan Dandy Boy
Downton Belle
Judy Of Barncleuch
Dalshangan So So
Tibby Of Barncleuch


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