Simple pedigree chart for Topper of Lucky Arno (2513190)

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Simple pedigree chart for Topper of Lucky Arno

Topper of Lucky Arno
(AKCW569083 Black, Cream)
Oldehove's Duke Arno III
(AKCW416823 [3-54])
CH (US) Oldehove's Arno II
CH (US) Captain Franz van de Oldehove CD
Queen van de Oldehove
Ch (US) Ilo of Robbinswood
Kiki of Benlore
(AKCA447285 (1-41))
Lady Lucky van de Oldehove
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Priscilla Liebestraum
Sport of Palo Alto
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Ray Lar Gretchen
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Lady Vivian Leibenthal
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