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German Shepherd Dog - Male
Gyro z Hané
Sire Born: 06. August 2012
CMKU DS/87754
Hip: SV: HD a-normal (a1) - Elbows: a(0/0)
Breed report
IPO 3, ZVV 2SG Bad z Karpatského dvora IPO 3, ZVV 22009CMKU 73906/09/11 HD-0/0 normal Sire Kör: 5Y1/P | 3*WUSV,1*FCI,VICEMISTR SUCHNO 2007 , CACIT, IPO3, SchH3V Cato Katargo 3*WUSV,1*FCI,VICEMISTR SUCHNO 2007 , CACIT, IPO3, SchH32003Suchno 45797/03/06 (CMKU/67998-07/03/08) HD-a (SK) Sire | IPO3, SCHH3SG Hard Policia IPO3, SCHH31999SUCHN 37237/99 HD-a (SK) Sire |
SVV 1SG Darka Va-Pe SVV 12001SUCHNO 39977/01/02 HD-a (SK) Dam | ||
IPO3, SCHH2, ZVV1, ZPS1 , ZPO1SG Dolly Moravia Artex IPO3, SCHH2, ZVV1, ZPS1 , ZPO12004CMKU 52091/04/06 HD-0/0 (CZ) Dam | SCHH3 (BSP), IPO3SG Janosch von der Germanenquelle SCHH3 (BSP), IPO31995SZ 1951633 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire | |
ZVV1, IPO1 ,SchH1SG Cinda Moravia Artex ZVV1, IPO1 ,SchH12002CMKU DS/44613/02/03 HD-0/0 (CZ) Dam | ||
ZVV 1, ZZO, IPO-VO, SPR1, FPR1Brandy z Hane ZVV 1, ZZO, IPO-VO, SPR1, FPR12008CMKU DS/71490 HD-HD a(0/0), Dam 5CVQ1/P | SCHH 3, IPO 3, SCHH-A, 2*ÚM MSKSRomko Favory Cross SCHH 3, IPO 3, SCHH-A, 2*ÚM MSKS2004CMKU 54539/04 HD-HD a(0/0) Sire | SCHH1, SVV1, IPO3SG Said Eqidius SCHH1, SVV1, IPO32002SUCHNO 42865/02/04 HD-a (SK) Sire |
IPO3SG Anetta Galan IPO31996CMKU 27468/96/98 HD-HD a(0/0) Dam | ||
ZVV1, IPO3, SCHH1, SCHH-AChita z Vetrneho vrchu ZVV1, IPO3, SCHH1, SCHH-A2003CMKU DS/50697/03/05 HD-0/0 (CZ) Dam | ZVV3, SCHH3, IPO3, FH1, ZPO24*ÚM ČR, Argo z Travnickova Dvora ZVV3, SCHH3, IPO3, FH1, ZPO21996CMKU 27412/96 HD-HD a(0/0) Sire | |
ZVV1SG Fixi z Morisvillu ZVV12001CMKU 42237/01/03 HD-a(0/1) Dam |
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