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German Shepherd Dog - Female
Jeannie von Coley Haus
Dam born: 13. September 2013
AKC DN37820608
Hip: OFA: Fair (GS-93820F27F-VPI) - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
IPO2Hombre von Edgecombe IPO22011AKC DN32646201 HD-OFA: Good (GS-89646G31M-VPI) Sire | SchH3 IPO3V Django von Haus Jurjim SchH3 IPO32004LOSH 961403 (AKC DN22675601) HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire | SCHH 3Ufo van Guy's Hof SCHH 31996LOSH 0779715 HD-Normal Sire |
SCHH3,IPO3,UVCiara van de Klakstaart SCHH3,IPO3,UV2001NHSB 2332184 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Dam | ||
BHEika vom Windy Ridge BH2007AKC DN19341201 HD-OFA: Fair (GS-81213F24F-VPI) Dam | SCHH3V Charlie vom kleinen Zigeuner SCHH32001SZ 2080876 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire | |
14X'S SCHH3, IPO3, FHErika Zamat 14X'S SCHH3, IPO3, FH2004SUCHNO 49242/04 (AKC DN16454401) HD-OFA: Fair (GS-75887F27F-PI) Dam | ||
Kona Vom Bhairav Aus Rostrotberg2009AKC DN24012103 HD- Dam | SCH3, IPO3, FH, UNIVERSAL SIEGER 2006 AND 2007V (US) Alex vom Eisenhaus SCH3, IPO3, FH, UNIVERSAL SIEGER 2006 AND 20072000AKC DL87620402 HD-OFA: Good (GS-65971G30M-NOPI) Sire | 2000 WUSV WORLD VICE CHAMPION, SCHH3, FH, IP3, INT, (V-WUSVx2, SG-WUSVx1)G Troll vom Haus Milinda 2000 WUSV WORLD VICE CHAMPION, SCHH3, FH, IP3, INT, (V-WUSVx2, SG-WUSVx1)1995LOSH 756581 (SZ 2047370) HD-Belgien Sire |
SCHH1Kelly vom Hilchenbacher Marktplatz SCHH11995SZ 1944498 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam | ||
14X'S SCHH3, IPO3, FHErika Zamat 14X'S SCHH3, IPO3, FH2004SUCHNO 49242/04 (AKC DN16454401) HD-OFA: Fair (GS-75887F27F-PI) Dam | SCHH3, IPO3, FH, (V2 WUSV 2002)V Tito van de Duvetorre SCHH3, IPO3, FH, (V2 WUSV 2002)1995LOSH 769573 (LOI 00/96629) HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire | |
SVV1G Dixi Neresnická dolina SVV11999SUCHNO 36815/99/01 HD-a (SK) Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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