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German Shepherd Dog - Female
Serebryanaya Luna SMILEY
OKD 1 - - - - Need Breed Book & Registration Number
Dam born: 24. December 2016
Hip: Not known - Elbows: Not knownBreed report
No breed report has been submitted
OKD 1,ZKS 1Jn.CH.RUS,CH.RUS,3xCH.RKF AUFSTIEG NARUTO OKD 1,ZKS 12015RKF 4229623 HD-HD-B Sire | 5xVA, SG1 (BALT.SIEG) Vanos vom Kuckucksland2013SZ 2291425 HD-SV: HD a-fast normal (a2) Sire | IPO3, SchH3VA Yankee vom Feuermelder IPO3, SchH32010SZ 2255307 (CSZ 8002885) HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire |
SchH2V(LGZS) Feli vom Kuckucksland SchH22008SZ 2218282 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam | ||
CH RKF Atsel Hof Cincinnati2011RKF 3183459 HD-HD-B Dam | SCHH3VA1 Ober von Bad-Boll SCHH32005SZ 2169889 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire | |
OKD-1 ZKS-1V CH.RUS CH.RKF Atsel Hof Dzhenifer (Jennifer) OKD-1 ZKS-12009RKF 2754126 HD-FCI: B 1/2 Dam | ||
Zilber Wasserfal Uippi2012RKF 3459368 HD- Dam | KD-1V Zilber Wasserfall Oligarh 2 KD-12010RKF 2918871 HD- Sire | OKD-1, ZKS-1Aedesbark Dominik OKD-1, ZKS-12006RKF 1910572 HD-FCI: B 1/2 Sire |
V Tadellos Makshof EvitaRKF 1626073 HD- Dam | ||
Zilber Wasserfall Ernie2010RKF HD- Dam | OKD-1,ZKS-1V Zilber Wasserfall Central OKD-1,ZKS-12006RKF 1875230 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Sire | |
V HANNI BRJUNENTAL2005BCU 166-010583 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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