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German Shepherd Dog - Male
SG Car z Pohranicni straze
Kkl 2
Sire Born: 18. May 1995
CMKU DS/24238/95/97
Hip: 0/0 (CZ) - Elbows: Not known
Tattoo: 75426
Breed report
IPO2, ZV3, SCHH3, OP1V Ben Hozmi IPO2, ZV3, SCHH3, OP11992CKS 08509/92 HD-0/0 Sire Bonitácia: 5U1/P LBZ | IPO3 ZVV2 ZMV Bob Cega CS IPO3 ZVV2 ZMCKSP 80317/91 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Sire | SCHH3 ( SG-BSP ) FHSG Grischa vom Schwarzen Milan SCHH3 ( SG-BSP ) FH1983SZ 1595541 HD-SV: HD a-noch zugelassen (a3) Sire |
ZVV3, IP3, ZM, ZPOSG Gita Salrak CS ZVV3, IP3, ZM, ZPO1982CKSP 23082/86 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Dam | ||
ZM, IPO3, ZVV2G Blackie Lesta ZM, IPO3, ZVV2CKSP 61892/92 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Dam | ZM,IPO3,ZVV3,ZPOV Gero vom Markersdorf ZM,IPO3,ZVV3,ZPO1982CKSP 21749/82/84 HD-a-normal (a1) Sire | |
ZVV2, ZMBlackie Dafry ZVV2, ZMCKSP 12539/84 HD-normal Dam | ||
ZVV1, SP/PSSG Cilka z Pohranicni straze ZVV1, SP/PS1991CKSP 07988/91/94 HD-0/0 Dam 5Ab,Jb,Oa,Pb,Wb,Xa,6e | ZM, ZVV2VYBORNY Dar z Jirkova dvora ZM, ZVV21986CKSP 61037/89 HD-a Sire | SCHH3 FHV Dux vom Zinnsteig SCHH3 FH1981DDR 117522 HD-a (DDR) Sire |
ZM, ZVV2SG Oja z Jirkova dvora ZM, ZVV21981CKSP 12393/81/84 HD-a Dam | ||
ZVV1, SP/PSSG Klara z Pohranicni straze (1989) ZVV1, SP/PS1989CKS 9209/89 HD-a Dam | SP/PS, ZVV2SG Jaso Z Pohranicni Straze SP/PS, ZVV21984EVC 2260 HD-a (CZ) Sire | |
Dana z Pohranicni straze1982CKSP 764 HD-a (CZ) Dam |
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