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German Shepherd Dog - Female
VD Libra z Nového Draka
DS 66838/07
Hip: SV: HD a-fast normal (a2) - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
SCHH3, IPO3, ZPO1, ZPS1V, CAC Charis Leryka SCHH3, IPO3, ZPO1, ZPS12005CMKU 57687/05 (AKC DN23172101) HD- Sire | SCHH3, FH1, LGA (2004)V Melano vom Cap Arkona SCHH3, FH1, LGA (2004)1999SZ 2040652 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire | SchH3 IPO1 FH1, WUSV (1999), BSPx3 (3° platz '99), LGA Sieger (1998, '99)V Nick vom Heiligenbösch SchH3 IPO1 FH1, WUSV (1999), BSPx3 (3° platz '99), LGA Sieger (1998, '99)1994SZ 1911480 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire |
SCHH3SG Fenia vom Busecker Schloß SCHH31991SZ 1795477 HD-Normal Dam | ||
SCHH3, IPO3, ZPO2, ZVV3, ZMSG Emilka Anrebri SCHH3, IPO3, ZPO2, ZVV3, ZM2001CMKU 43969/01/03 HD-HD: 0/0 normal Dam | SCHH3, IPO3, ZPS1, FH1, FPR1, ZVV1V Frankie Anrebri SCHH3, IPO3, ZPS1, FH1, FPR1, ZVV11998CMKU 33017/98/00 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire | |
ZVV2,SG Allegra Egerstau ZVV2,1997CMKU 30481/97/99 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam | ||
IPO1, ZVV1SG Ichell Niox IPO1, ZVV12002CMKU DS/47555/02/05 HD-0.0 (CZ) Dam Czech breed survey: 5DX1/N | SCHH3, IPO 2, ZM, ZVV3SG Ilko aus der Königshöhle SCHH3, IPO 2, ZM, ZVV31999SZ 2043698 (CMKU 38311-99/00/01) HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire | SCHH3,IPO3,RH,FH3(Ö)Odin aus der Königshöhle SCHH3,IPO3,RH,FH3(Ö)1995SZ 1936366 HD-normal Sire |
SchH1G Cita z Rauova chovu SchH11991SZ 1899044 HD-normal Dam | ||
ZPS1, ZVV1SG Bajga z Gartu ZPS1, ZVV1CMKU 35548/99/01 HD-0/0 (CZ) Dam | IPO3, SchH3, SVV1SG, ÚM SR Blek Egidius IPO3, SchH3, SVV11995SUCHN 28582/95/97 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire | |
IPO3, SCHH3, ZVV1, OP1SG Festa Cega IPO3, SCHH3, ZVV1, OP11993CKS 16798/93/96 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam |
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By Andys - 16.1 years ago
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