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Siblings list for Lady van der Lust
Full siblings (or litter mates)
Mother: V Annasstasia Vom Heerbusch SCHH1 and father: V Figo van der Lust SCHH1
Mother: Arabella Hunde Berg and father: V Figo van der Lust SCHH1
Mother: V1 Bali von der Piste Trophe IPO1 and father: V Figo van der Lust SCHH1
Mother: V Bania del Seprio IPO1 and father: V Figo van der Lust SCHH1
Mother: SG (JHKL) Callas von Groß-Zünder ED NORMAL and father: V Figo van der Lust SCHH1
Mother: Etchica Rylean Kora and father: V Figo van der Lust SCHH1
Mother: LT CH Hari Vilkiukstis IPO(B) and father: V Figo van der Lust SCHH1
Mother: CHAMPION LARARTH ODYSSEY and father: V Figo van der Lust SCHH1
Mother: CHAMPION Lararth Ayesha and father: V Figo van der Lust SCHH1
Mother: V(UK) Mascani Caprice and father: V Figo van der Lust SCHH1
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