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German Shepherd Dog - Female
ÚM MSKS Freia ze Slovanskeho domu
Kkl 1
Dam born: 20. February 2003
CMKU 48211/03/05
Hip: 1/1 (CZ) - Elbows: SV: HD a-fast normal (a2)
Breed report
FH1, FH2, IPO3, SCHH-A, SCHH3, VGP1, ZPS, ZVV2SG Hirohito Vikar FH1, FH2, IPO3, SCHH-A, SCHH3, VGP1, ZPS, ZVV21998CMKU 35205/98/00/ HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire | IPO3, SCHH3, ZVV1, ÚMS, ÚMR, WUSV 3X, FCI-WM 3XSG Arno od Vlasimské brány IPO3, SCHH3, ZVV1, ÚMS, ÚMR, WUSV 3X, FCI-WM 3X1995CMKU 23086/95/97 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire | ZVV1SG Agbar Sotokan CS ZVV1CKS 13379/93/94 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire |
ZVV3, IPO1G Kata Anrebri ZVV3, IPO11992CKSP 08326/92/95 HD-0/0 (CZ) Dam | ||
ZVV1SG Arlet z Mra-Miku ZVV11997CMKU 29274/97/98 (AKC DN06496601) HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam | ZVV3, IPO3, SCHH3, ZPS1, ZM, FH1, (V7 WUSV 1997), (UM CR 1996 & 1997), (UMS 1997)SG Grim z Pohranicni straze ZVV3, IPO3, SCHH3, ZPS1, ZM, FH1, (V7 WUSV 1997), (UM CR 1996 & 1997), (UMS 1997)1992CKS 12282/92/95 HD-0/0 (CZ) Sire | |
ZVV2, OP1SG Chyta Bozenka ZVV2, OP11993CKS 14111/93/95 HD-4/3 Dam | ||
ZVV1, IPO1, SCHH1Areta Balgaro ZVV1, IPO1, SCHH1CMKU 35983/99/01 HD-0/0 (CZ) Dam 4KXQ1/P | ZVV2SG Ori z Danaru ZVV21993CKS 16197/93/95 HD-0/0 normal Sire | ZVV3, IPO3, Czech Police DogSG Cordon An-Sat ZVV3, IPO3, Czech Police Dog1986CKSP 61147/86/92 HD-0/0 (CZ) Sire |
IPO3,SVV2, SCHH1SG Adela Venusina sopka IPO3,SVV2, SCHH11990CKSP 02122/92 HD-0/0 (CZ) Dam | ||
ZM, ZVV1G Cedra Laryk CS ZM, ZVV1CKS 21556/94/98 HD-0/0 normal Dam | ZM,ZVV1, OP1, IPO3V Ex Hronovsky pramen CS ZM,ZVV1, OP1, IPO31992CKSP 08157/93 HD-0/0 (CZ) Sire | |
ZM, ZVV1SG Bela Fihrak ZM, ZVV1CKSP 80995/92 HD-0/0 normal Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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