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German Shepherd Dog -
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke
Kkl 1
Sire Born: 10. February 2004
SZ 2138725
Hip: SV: HD a-normal (a1) - Elbows: SV: ED Normal
DNA: Gepr.
Tattoo: F-F 5119
Breed report
SCHH3V5 Quando vom Sofienwald SCHH3 2000SZ 2062813 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire Groß, kräftig, sehr guter Ausdruck, absolut rassetypisch im Gesamtaufbau mit vollendeter Harmonie und Linienführung, korrekte Front, tadelos gestellte Gliedmaßen der Vorder- und Hinterhand, hoher Widerrist, harmonische, fest verlaufende Rückenlinie, sehr gute Kruppe, weit ausgreifende Bewegungen, sehr gute Bewegungsharmonie, absolute Allgemeinfestigkeit. Wesen sicher, TSB ausgeprägt, lässt ab. V. Harmonisch und rassetypisch. Vl. Für blutlich passende Hündinnen zur Verbesserung des Rassestandards geeignet. | SchH3V Flex von Tronje SchH3 1996SZ 1976631 HD-SV: HD a-fast normal (a2) Sire | SCHH3, FHVA1 Jeck vom Noricum SCHH3, FH 1987SZ 1705812 HD-SV: HD a-noch zugelassen (a3) Sire |
SCHH1V Anchie vom Grenzland SCHH1 1992SZ 1856940 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam | ||
SCHH 2VA11 Anabel vom Sofienwald SCHH 2 1997SZ 1994582 HD-normal Dam | SchH3V Xorro vom Klostermoor SchH3 1994SZ 1876313 HD-normal Sire | |
SchH3V Anna vom Sofienwald SchH3 1994SZ 1889453 HD-normal Dam | ||
SCHH3 FH1V26 (BSZS 2003) Ertha von der Urbecke SCHH3 FH1 2001SZ 2088374 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam Körbericht: Groß, mittelkräftig. Hoher Widerrist, fester Rücken, gute Kruppe. Vorne gut, hinten sehr gut gewinkelt, normale Brust, korrekte Front. Geradetretend werden raumschaffende Gänge gezeigt. TSB ausgeprägt; Hund läßt ab. | SCHH3, FH2x VA1 Yasko vom Farbenspiel SCHH3, FH 1998SZ 2010154 (AKC DN10902401 10-05) HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire | SchH3VA1 BSZS 2001 Ursus von Batu SchH3 1995SZ 1932624 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire |
SCHH3VA1 Connie vom Farbenspiel SCHH3 1994SZ 1903611 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam | ||
SCHH3V SG73 (BSZS 2000) Malte von der Urbecke SCHH3 1999SZ 2046983 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam | SCHH3, IPO3V1 VA(A+CN) Hoss vom Lärchenhain SCHH3, IPO3 1997SZ 1996729 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire | |
SCHH3V Ira von der Steinhägerquelle SCHH3 1996SZ 1969450 HD-noch zugelassen Dam |
Picture galleries
Bazi head photo
By ice - 17.4 years ago
User comments
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Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 04:42 pm
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by Isabelle on 05 January 2012 - 16:01
Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 09:12 am
I think you´ve had more than enough time to keep your word Mr. Schnieder!
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by Isabelle on 04 January 2012 - 09:01
Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 12:40 pm
Ashish Shukla
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by ash2106 on 26 May 2010 - 12:05
Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 11:22 pm
He's a beautiful dog that works REALLY well and I must admit that I was totally surprised at the high quality he has produced considering that he wasn't at stud in Germany all that long. I'm sad to think that many breeders have missed the boat by not breeding to him while he was in Germany.
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by Odin on 14 September 2009 - 23:09
Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 09:36 pm
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by loum44 on 29 March 2009 - 21:03
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 04:18 am
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by Konigstein on 03 March 2009 - 04:03
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 07:59 pm
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by loum44 on 11 January 2009 - 19:01
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 07:56 pm
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by loum44 on 11 January 2009 - 19:01
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 09:42 pm
you seems to be stupid right?? we told you many times deposit must be.But found not the way to us.Only a lot of emails
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by ice on 10 January 2009 - 21:01
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 09:33 am
for a puppy out of vegas saturday may 2008 i think one day before they told me all litters is sold because someone gives more money warning
from this kennel
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by loum44 on 10 January 2009 - 09:01
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 09:27 pm
warning if you buy a puppy don't trust and i know what i say
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by loum44 on 01 November 2008 - 21:11
Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 05:01 pm
Can't wait for the Siegerschau in Aachen in 2008, to see Bazi going right on up there where he and his team belong.
Go get 'em Bazi!
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by Isabelle on 03 November 2007 - 17:11
Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 02:51 pm
And for any progency that may have genetic problems, that sad news, is very bad for any owner. I know, I have been there. And it makes you feel bad when you spend money and time on the dog.
I am x raying bitch next week. I am so scared it is not funny.
I hope it will be good news. Have long drive home. Spent lots of time and money on female.
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by matthews3662 on 13 July 2007 - 14:07
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 05:44 am
Congratulations! to TEAM Urbecke on the continued Sucsess of Bazi. Im sure he will continue his Top Success right into the BSZS.
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by Visum on 05 June 2007 - 05:06
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 04:51 am
congratulations on your continued success with Bazi. I am looking forward to meeting you both at the Sieger Show, where I hope that you will continue the great run that you have had with Bazi, he is a super dog.
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by Khayem on 05 June 2007 - 04:06
Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 09:52 pm
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by sunshine on 04 June 2007 - 21:06
Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 08:29 am
Siegershow Luxemburg 03.06.07 VA 1 Bazi v.d.Urbecke
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by ice on 04 June 2007 - 08:06
Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 07:01 am
Congratulations to Bazi and his trainer Martina Henkel for the top performance in this years 2007 Universal Seiger competition in Schleswig, Germany.
Bazi was the Universal Seiger and the best out many working and show dogs. His overall points was 579 and the second place was at least 10 points away from his score.
Bazi has exceptional working skills as well as being one of the top show dogs today in Germany
He is in training in Germany for the BSBZ and continues to come in V1 or V2 in all the local shows so far this year.
we have more plans for himyet this year and hopefully he will continue to have great results !
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by Jeffrey on 08 May 2007 - 07:05
Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 08:15 am
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by Chipsm on 06 March 2007 - 08:03
Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 03:56 pm
The real test of a breeder is how they deal with problems. This is very much like a car dealer who sells you a lemon and then says:
1. "You didn't buy the car from Me!"
2. "The car is OK...just drive it for another
year or two, the car will fix itself.
I'd never recommend these clowns!!
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by Cowboy on 19 January 2007 - 15:01
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 12:36 am
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by Nadia on 16 January 2007 - 00:01
Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 10:58 pm
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by ice on 12 January 2007 - 22:01
Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 07:03 pm
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by Cowboy on 12 January 2007 - 19:01
Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 01:30 pm
d.schnieder@urbecke.con & f.stenner@von-der-urbecke.com
and have not heard one word..........
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by Cowboy on 12 January 2007 - 13:01
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 10:20 pm
Therefor try it again.I cant give you here his phonenumber.Please understand it
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by ice on 11 January 2007 - 22:01
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 10:14 pm
d.schnieder@urbecke.con & f.stenner@von-der-urbecke.com
and have not heard one word..........
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by Cowboy on 11 January 2007 - 22:01
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 09:18 pm
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by ice on 11 January 2007 - 21:01
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 06:48 pm
Who the hell are you anyway and what do you know?? Maybe you should go back into the Freezer if you can't take the heat!
Urbecke is the kennel that I did business with and where I got my dog from. They (Stenner) were happy to take my money! I guess to you, I'm just another Dumb American Sucker that you can take advantage off. Urbecke sent me his trash and I don't like it. He is obviously a disreputable breeder who should not be considered when buying a dog. I DO plan to tell everybody who will listen about my bad experience with Urbecke and about the genenic problems that my dog has thanks to Bazi.....
Buying a dog from Germany is a risky enough for Americans without dealing with dishonest people. American Buyers should be Told & Warned.
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by Cowboy on 11 January 2007 - 18:01
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 05:24 pm
I told you now 2 times the pup is not breed by Urbecke kennels.And we did'nt get the money for your puppie.
Your pup has a kennel name, (von der Grübecke).Grübecke, is not Urbecke, its also not the same person.
And I know very well he did contact you.You also got his phone number too.Yesterday But you did'nt call him.Therefor call him and talk to him.Bazi was only the stud male nothing other else.
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by ice on 11 January 2007 - 17:01
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 06:20 pm
It is my responsibily as the pups owner to notify the breeder about problems which might affect future litters. If the breeder chooses to ignore my concerns, I can't contol that. Urbecke (Stenner) didn't ignore me when he was waiting for my money.
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by Cowboy on 31 December 2006 - 18:12
Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 09:00 pm
yes thats right photos of your pup at webpage of Urbecke.I agree its true.But fact is, not breed by Urbecke.But you cant expect of any breeder to know any future illness ( dog)Maybe is it no problem.Therefor send your email to her breeder.And I'm very answer will be soon
d.schnieder@urbecke (kennel of Grübecke) and not Urbecke.
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by ice on 29 December 2006 - 21:12
Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 06:24 pm
I assume that Urbecke is the breeder since I found the litter on his website (pup photo's, parents, etc) and all my dealings were with F. Stenner personally...I think the assumption that he's the breeder is logical. Don't you agree? Have I been tricked?
Next thing you'll tell me is that Bazi is not my pups sire!! Bazi is a beautiful dog..but that doesn't change my situation.
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by Cowboy on 29 December 2006 - 18:12
Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 07:55 am
I called for you here his breeder and Urbecke too nobody has got any email from you.
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by ice on 29 December 2006 - 07:12
Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 07:33 am
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by ice on 29 December 2006 - 07:12
Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 03:32 am
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by Cowboy on 29 December 2006 - 03:12
Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 06:00 pm
I can surely recommend all to use Bazi as a Stud because he gives the show GSD loads of very good working ability, and thats what a GSD needs, a heart to work.
Go get 'em Bazi!
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by Iggeli on 15 November 2006 - 18:11
Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 07:47 am
Good luck with your Bazi daughter !
I hope she grows up to be a champion dog.
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by Jeffrey on 12 November 2006 - 07:11
Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 11:30 pm
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by ellie_may on 10 November 2006 - 23:11
Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 03:57 pm
In fact, he is now back in Germany after his success in the USA, in training for the German Universal Sieger show in the spring.
Bazi has the best working abilities of any show dog lines that I have ever seen. His SCH3 scores were 290 points. he is the perfect combination of super confirmation and extremely strong working abilites. Therefore, we will have him in many shows and trials in Europe leading up to next years German Sieger Show.
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by Jeffrey on 10 November 2006 - 15:11
Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 09:09 am
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by Anu on 09 November 2006 - 09:11
Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 07:32 am
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by ellie_may on 09 November 2006 - 07:11
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 10:16 pm
That's a superb all around dog. Powerful protection work, perfect anatomy, beautiful type and breathtaking movement.
Congratulation Fritz, Martina & Silke.
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by viking on 02 November 2006 - 22:11
Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 07:19 pm
VA1 (USA) V6 (BSZS) Bazi von der Urbecke SCHH3, FH1, IPO3 by ice on 31 October 2006 - 19:10