4 generation long pedigree for Bixler's Bubble Annie

Pedigree Database

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Pedigree for

Bixler's Bubble Annie


Bixler's Mr Storm V Willow Run

Willowrun's Duke of Alba

CH Src's Baron Von SchnoopCH Vi-Dayne's Warlock
Src's Helga Von Thunder
Winney's Black Sin V WillowCH Our Danes Black Nemo
Loch Tara Royal Satin
Drexel's Donna V Dellwig

CH Ulf Von Schloss DellwigMarko von der Kreuzschanze (1958)
VDH/DDC 044107
Cora V Obensiebeneick
Drexel's Dark DesireCH Herold von St. Magn-Obertraubling
CH Drexel's Dark Amour
Bubble's Pattern

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