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German Shepherd Dog -
SG Fado von Giliannes
Kkl 2
Sire Born: 06. November 2006
SZ 2255029
Hip: SV: HD a-normal (a1) - Elbows: SV: HD a-normal (a1)
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
UV,VZH,VH3, SCHH3, WUSVQuint van het Groot Wezenland UV,VZH,VH3, SCHH3, WUSV 2000NHSB 2338923 HD-FCI: B 1/2 Sire | KNPV PH1SG Iwan van 't Heukske KNPV PH1 1994NHSB 1931869 HD-SV: HD a-noch zugelassen (a3) Sire | IPO3, AD, VH2Paco v.d. Hornhütte IPO3, AD, VH2 1989NHSB 1681467 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire |
Dunja Borus van't Heukske 1990NHSB 1747792 HD-SV: HD a-fast normal (a2) Dam | ||
VZH VH INoury v.h. Groot Wezenland VZH VH I 1995NHSB 2017454 HD- Dam | SCHH1 IPO3 VH3V Dingo van Gafieger Hof SCHH1 IPO3 VH3 1988NHSB 1603020 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire | |
IPO1 VH1Peggy oet de Poeterie IPO1 VH1 1991NHSB 1804979 HD-fast normal Dam | ||
IPO1 SchH1G Zyra von Giliannes IPO1 SchH1 2000LOSH 0859384 HD-FCI: B 1/2 Dam | 2000 WUSV WORLD VICE CHAMPION, SCHH3, FH, IP3, INT, (V-WUSVx2, SG-WUSVx1)G Troll vom Haus Milinda 2000 WUSV WORLD VICE CHAMPION, SCHH3, FH, IP3, INT, (V-WUSVx2, SG-WUSVx1) 1995LOSH 756581 (SZ 2047370) HD-Belgien Sire | '93 WUSV WORLD CH, '93 BELGIUM CH,3X(WUSV), SchH3 IPO3Natz vom Tegelhous '93 WUSV WORLD CH, '93 BELGIUM CH,3X(WUSV), SchH3 IPO3 1989LOSH 626130 HD-Belgien Sire |
SCHH3,IPO3Quira Vom Haus Heijack SCHH3,IPO3 1992LOSH 0681053 HD- Dam | ||
IPO2 SchH1Ushi v. Haus Sevens IPO2 SchH1 1996LOSH 770321 HD-SV: HD a-Ausland (Belgium) Dam | Quick von Haus Antverpa 1992SZ 1962644 HD-SV: HD a-Ausland (a6) Sire | |
IPO 3SG Perle von Haus Sevens IPO 3 1991LOSH 660434 HD- Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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