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Labrador Retriever - Male
BonaVenture Lubberline Viscount
AKC Major Pointed (9 Points)
Sire Born: 05. December 1999
AKC SN72003803
Hip: Not known - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
Epoch's Edward Of BonaVenture1998AKC SN56312203 HD-OFA: Good LR-107670G24M-T Sire | Keepsake Beau Webster1993AKC SN13025301 06-09 HD-OFA: Good LR-67652G24M-T Sire | Donalbain Marksman1992AKC SN04483101 HD-OFA: Good LR-58680G28M Sire |
Kelleygreen's Murphy Brown IIAKC SM93088202 HD- Dam | ||
Banner's Apple Butter1994AKC SN20196501 HD-OFA: Fair LR-78680F29F Dam | CH (US/CAN) Venetian Blender de ChablaisAKC SE811705 HD- Sire | |
Banner's Plain Brown Wrapper1992AKC SM94502603 HD-OFA: Good LR-57632G28F Dam | ||
Classique's Count On Me1996AKC SN38620907 HD- Dam | CD, WCAKC/CAN CH Beechcroft Citadel CD, WC1986AKC SE860868 HD-OFA: Good LR-30081G24M-T Sire | CH Beechcroft's Edgewood Tomarc1982AKC SD425289 HD-OFA: Normal LR-17324 Sire |
CH Beechcroft Clover of O'Henry1982AKC SD635322 HD-OFA: Normal LR-18055-T Dam | ||
Beechcroft's Stargazer1993AKC SN10466402 HD-OFA: Excellent LR-66520E25F Dam | CH (US) Classique Fire and Ice1990AKC SM79891602 HD-OFA: Excellent LR-48400E28M Sire | |
Beechcroft's PerfectaAKC SM93131907 HD- Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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