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Pembroke Welsh Corgi - Female
Larchmonts Creme Anglaise
Dam born: 24. August 1991
AKC DL39189302
Hip: Not known - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
ROMXAM CAN CH Horoko Caralon Dickens ROMX1985AKC D470079 HD-OFA: Good (WCP-749G47M-T) Sire | ROMXBIS/BISS AM/CAN CH Schaferhaus Yul B of Quanda ROMX1975AKC WD387697 HD-OFA: Fair WCP-354 Sire | ROMXAKC CH Cappykorns Bach ROMX1973AKC WC680122 HD- Sire |
ROMXAm Can CH Schaferhaus Aeroglend Tupnc ROMX1973AKC WC825558 HD- Dam | ||
ROMCH Caralon's O-S Hot Wheels ROM1981AKC WF157517 HD-OFA: Normal WCP-312 Dam | ROMXAKC CH, CKC CH Caralon's Q-T Sequoya ROMXAKC WE726221 HD-OFA: Normal (WC-248) Sire | |
Anzil Bit O'Luck1976AKC WE845115 HD-OFA: Normal (WC-211) Dam | ||
CH (AKC) Larchmonts Cream Puff1987AKC D670254 HD-OFA: Good WCP-1142G24F Dam | CDCH Heronsway Protocol CD1985AKC D365855 HD-OFA: Fair WCP-713F30M Sire | UD TD HT VC ROMXHeronsway Freestyle UD TD HT VC ROMX1983AKC D111995 HD-OFA: Good WCP-410 Sire |
CH Roughouse Heronsway Tiffany1983AKC D081045 HD-OFA: Good WCP-431 Dam | ||
AKC CH Larchmonts Buff PuffAKC D418791 HD-OFA: Good Dam | AKC CH Larklain's Dandy Ambassador1980AKC WE835516 HD-OFA: Good (WCP-432) Sire | |
AKC CH Larchmonts Diamond BufferAKC D060491 HD- Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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