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CH Siggen's Yassir2005AKC DN17672401 HD- Sire | SE, EST, LTU,INTER CH Craigycor Rum Punch2003IKCW 46403 (FIN 35572/04) HD- Sire | ROMXCH Tallyrand No Greater Love ROMX1997AKC DL67632602 HD-OFA: Good WCP-4091G24M-T Sire |
IRL. CH Shavals Fire Vision at CraigycorIKCU 88057 HD- Dam | ||
CH Siggen's Roxy MusicNKK 21308/00 HD- Dam | N&S CH Pemland Moonlight1996HD- Sire | |
(NB)CH Siggen's Lickety Split (NB)1996HD- Dam | ||
SUCH Otreks Northern Star2004AKC DN07129701 HD- Dam | US CH Pentalar Prince HarriAKCSB DN03035801 HD- Sire | CH GB Foxydale Smart GuyKCSB 2333CI HD- Sire |
Pentalar Black PrincessHD- Dam | ||
Otreks Foolish DesignDL83387401 HD- Dam | ROMCH (AKC) Pentalar Star Struck of Revelmere ROM1997AKC DL71523801 HD-OFA: Good WCP-4376G47M-PI Sire | |
ROMCH Otreks Hearts Design ROM1994AKC DL55023901 HD- Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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