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Akita - Male
MaroTeam Dynamic Force Maddox
Sire Born: 12. July 2009
NHSB 2779896
Hip: Not known - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
CZ/SLO CH Erabor HeroMET 175/03 HD- Sire | INT'L/HU/GER/SLO CH Kuroi Kao Jacob At Erabor2001AKC WR02275801 (MET 104/H/02) HD- Sire | AKC CH Mariah's Diligent Wise One1996AKC WP74902403 HD-OFA: Excellent (AK-9965E25M-T) Sire |
AKC CH Kuroi Kao Revlon's Choice1998AKC WP84313202 HD-OFA: Good (AK-10607G24F-T) Dam | ||
HU CH Erabor Claris MasaMET 25/00 HD- Dam | Gay SuikoMET 21/00 HD- Sire | |
HU GCH Bocskorhegyi CeciliaMET 22/00 HD- Dam | ||
HU/BiH CH First Player WoorlockMET 218/04 HD- Dam | HU GCH, INT'L/NL/HU CH Redwitch PlayN'For Keeps Of WoorlockKC AA02681901 HD- Sire | UK CH Redwitch Feel Free To Stare1998KC 3212CJ (KC Z0004301Z1) HD- Sire |
UK CH Redwitch She's Witch And She's RedKC 1988CI HD- Dam | ||
3XCACIBBIS INT'L CH Namika's Pied Piper De' Torazo 3XCACIB2002AKC WS02206022 (MET 190/H/04) HD- Dam | ROMPXBISS AKC/CAN CH Excaliburs Atomic Playboy ROMPX1999AKC WP91523801 HD-OFA: Excellent (AK-11089E24M-PI) Sire | |
AKC CH Mariah's The Chosen One2001AKC WP98242407 HD-OFA: Good (AK-11560G24F-PI) Dam |
User comments
This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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