6 generation long pedigree for Ishikawa's Red Buzz (warren's Can Do)

Pedigree Database

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Pedigree for

Ishikawa's Red Buzz (warren's Can Do)

Wilder's Red Satan

Apache Red Ty

'PR' Wilders Geronimo II
UKC/688 040-D
'PR' Hemphill's Geronimo'PR' Bryson's Satan (AKA Sander's Satan)
Albergotti's Mr Bourbon
Sanders Patsy
'PR' Hemphill's RebelHemphill's Gold Dust VI (Dickenson’s Joey)
Hemphill's Bell Starr III
'PR' Hemphill's Red Dixie
UKC/426 306-d
'PR' Bryson's Satan (AKA Sander's Satan)
Albergotti's Mr Bourbon
Sanders Patsy
'PR' Hemphill's RebelHemphill's Gold Dust VI (Dickenson’s Joey)
Hemphill's Bell Starr III
Wilder's Flame'PR' Hemphill's Geronimo'PR' Bryson's Satan (AKA Sander's Satan)
Albergotti's Mr Bourbon
Sanders Patsy
'PR' Hemphill's RebelHemphill's Gold Dust VI (Dickenson’s Joey)
Hemphill's Bell Starr III
'PR' Hemphill's Red Dixie
UKC/426 306-d
'PR' Bryson's Satan (AKA Sander's Satan)
Albergotti's Mr Bourbon
Sanders Patsy
'PR' Hemphill's RebelHemphill's Gold Dust VI (Dickenson’s Joey)
Hemphill's Bell Starr III
Mullin's Red Flame

Hemphill's Geronimo II'PR' Hemphill's Geronimo'PR' Bryson's Satan (AKA Sander's Satan)
Albergotti's Mr Bourbon
Sanders Patsy
'PR' Hemphill's RebelHemphill's Gold Dust VI (Dickenson’s Joey)
Hemphill's Bell Starr III
'PR' Hemphill's Red Dixie
UKC/426 306-d
'PR' Bryson's Satan (AKA Sander's Satan)
Albergotti's Mr Bourbon
Sanders Patsy
'PR' Hemphill's RebelHemphill's Gold Dust VI (Dickenson’s Joey)
Hemphill's Bell Starr III
Spearman's Scarlet Lady'PR' Hemphill's Geronimo'PR' Bryson's Satan (AKA Sander's Satan)
Albergotti's Mr Bourbon
Sanders Patsy
'PR' Hemphill's RebelHemphill's Gold Dust VI (Dickenson’s Joey)
Hemphill's Bell Starr III
'PR' Hemphill's Red Dixie
UKC/426 306-d
'PR' Bryson's Satan (AKA Sander's Satan)
Albergotti's Mr Bourbon
Sanders Patsy
'PR' Hemphill's RebelHemphill's Gold Dust VI (Dickenson’s Joey)
Hemphill's Bell Starr III
Warrens Lady(wild Cherry)

Schreiners Geronimo III

Hemphill's Geronimo II'PR' Hemphill's Geronimo'PR' Bryson's Satan (AKA Sander's Satan)
Albergotti's Mr Bourbon
Sanders Patsy
'PR' Hemphill's RebelHemphill's Gold Dust VI (Dickenson’s Joey)
Hemphill's Bell Starr III
'PR' Hemphill's Red Dixie
UKC/426 306-d
'PR' Bryson's Satan (AKA Sander's Satan)
Albergotti's Mr Bourbon
Sanders Patsy
'PR' Hemphill's RebelHemphill's Gold Dust VI (Dickenson’s Joey)
Hemphill's Bell Starr III
Misty Morgan's MentolaWimberley's Wild Major'PR' Wilders Geronimo II
UKC/688 040-D
'PR' Hemphill's Geronimo
'PR' Hemphill's Red Dixie
UKC/426 306-d
Princess Goldie ReneeColby's Emjay
Morris' Brimstone
'PR' Wilders Tammy
UKC/678 278
'PR' Hemphill's Geronimo'PR' Bryson's Satan (AKA Sander's Satan)
'PR' Hemphill's Rebel
Wilder's Tiger MissJohnson's Chuck
Probst's Bonnie
'PR' Spacy's Taxi

'PR' Wilders Geronimo II
UKC/688 040-D
'PR' Hemphill's Geronimo'PR' Bryson's Satan (AKA Sander's Satan)
Albergotti's Mr Bourbon
Sanders Patsy
'PR' Hemphill's RebelHemphill's Gold Dust VI (Dickenson’s Joey)
Hemphill's Bell Starr III
'PR' Hemphill's Red Dixie
UKC/426 306-d
'PR' Bryson's Satan (AKA Sander's Satan)
Albergotti's Mr Bourbon
Sanders Patsy
'PR' Hemphill's RebelHemphill's Gold Dust VI (Dickenson’s Joey)
Hemphill's Bell Starr III
'PR' Wilders Blondy
UKC/832 361
'PR' Wilder's Nugget
UKC/671 342
'PR' Coles Arkie
UKC/645 881
Cole's Oso Negro
Cole's Ruth
'PR' Wilders Fly
UKC/645 898
No information about the sire
No information about the dam
'PR' Scott's Honey Mc CoyRozmus' Whitey Mc CoyNeblett's Bamboo Mc Coy
Neblett's Suzy Mc Coy
'PR' Wilders Tammy
UKC/678 278
'PR' Hemphill's Geronimo
Wilder's Tiger Miss

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