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Hine's Sly Stallone RB304916 HD- Sire | #1 A.S. #1 A.S.CH (AKC) Bar-Gray's Lucifer Sun #1 A.S. #1 A.S. 1981AKC RA715627 01-84 HD-OFA: Normal STA-92 Sire | Mount Shire Butcher Block AKC RA575910 11-80 HD- Sire |
Mount Shire Foxy Farrah AKC RA516667 12-81 HD- Dam | ||
Hines' Brindleton Babe HD- Dam | Sooner's Trapper John RA560368 HD- Sire | |
Patton's Red Rock Wildfire RA393393 HD- Dam | ||
Mystik's Chelsea D Crazy Baby 1992AKC RM070367/01 03-96 HD-OFA: Good STA-434G30F Dam | CH (AKC) Hyde's Bully Lil Red Devil AKC RB205794 03-92 HD- Sire | CH R And D Boscoes Carbon Copy AKC RB144900 10-88 HD- Sire |
Tex-Rock Ms Blue AKC RA862392 09-85 HD- Dam | ||
CH (AKC) Mystik's Chi-Town Connection AKC RL975417/05 04-93 HD- Dam | CH (AKC) Sindelar's Diamond Debonair 1985AKC RA987868 12-89 HD- Sire | |
CH (AKC) Pandora Gallant Candida 1984AKC RA961745 04-89 HD- Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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