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Australian Shepherd - Male
BISS ASCA AKC CH Stormridges Hes All That
Sire Born: 16. November 1998
AKC DL78358705
Hip: OFA: Fair (AS-15261F24M-NOPI) - Elbows: OFA: Normal (AS-EL492M24-NOPI)
DNA: #V215464
Other health issues: OFA: Normal (2000)
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
CH Harmony Hills Hunt Country1995AKC DL61213501 HD-AS-11563G25M Sire | CH Harmony Hills Highlander1994ASCA E72764 (AKC DL55345101) HD-OFA: Good (AS-10142G24M-T) Sire | HOF CH Caledonia's Crowd Pleaser1990ASCA E47779 AKC DL43626701 HD-OFA: Good (AS-6436G27M) Sire |
Winter Havens Harmony Hillary1990ASCA E48721 AKC DL39044106 HD-AS-6380G24F Dam | ||
CH Bayshore's Moet1991AKC DL41561002 HD- Dam | HOF AKC/ASCA CH Bayshore's Flapjack1988AKC DL41020601 HD-OFA: Good (AS-4851G25M) Sire | |
CDCH Bayshore's Bon Voyage CD1983ASCA E14951 AKC DL41381201 HD- Dam | ||
Chloes Impressive Review1994AKC DL51886402 HD-AS-9498G26F Dam | Meri-Mors Blazing Bulletts1991dual ASCA E55961 AKC DL42405403 HD-AS-7360G28M Sire | HOF CH Propwash St Elmo's Fire1989ASCA E42432 (AKC DL40560501) HD-OFA: Fair (AS-5742F29M-T) Sire |
HOF Meri-Mors Blazing Sun1988dual ASCA E39607 AKC DL48271901 HD-AS-5014G32F Dam | ||
Chasebrook Reprieves Meri-Mor1992AKC DL45400703 HD- Dam | CDCH Meri-Mors Out Scouting Bear CD1983ASCA E18064 HD- Sire | |
TTHOF CH Propwash Remarque TT1989ASCA E40135 AKC DL41357801 HD-OFA27G Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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