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German Shepherd Dog - Female
CH EJM N' Eko-Lan's Forget Me Not
Dam born: 22. November 2009
AKC DN26240603
Hip: OFA: Good (GS-90098G52F-VPI) - Elbows: OFA: Normal (GS-EL30020F52-VPI)
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
ROM TT4X SEL MV CAN GV GCH Marquis Stealing The Show ROM TT2004AKC DN09443607 (08-06) HD-OFA Good GS-75251G24M-PI Sire | ROMCH (US) Kenlyn's Aries V HiCliff ROM2003AKC DN04223001 (07-04) HD-OFA: Good (GS-71200G25M-PI) Sire | HSCS ROM TC HICAOE SEL EX CH (US) Kismet's Sight For Sore Eyes HSCS ROM TC HIC1996AKC DL64767204 (11-97) HD-OFA: Good (GS-53000G24M-T) Sire |
ROMSEL CH (US) TR's Quintessential V Kenlyn ROM2000AKC DL84926603 HD-OFA: Good GS-67572G26F-PI Dam | ||
Marquis' Finesse2002AKC DL90900901 (09-04) HD-OFA: Excellent GS-77365E66F-NOPI Dam | ROMSEL CH (US) Welove Du Chien's Rollins ROM1998AKC DL74015103 (05-00) HD-OFA: Good GS-59170G26M-T Sire | |
Saxonys Lady Godiva Winsome1999AKC DL78213401 (08-02) HD-OFA: Fair GS-61992F27F-PI Dam | ||
ROMCH (US) EJM N' Eko-Lan's Cybil S ROM2003AKC DN05444602 HD- Dam | ROMSEL CH (US) Pinebuck's Kidd Carson ROM1998AKC DL77194604 HD-OFA: Good GS-60491G25M-PI Sire | ROM5X SEL CH (US) Kismet's Heart Throb ROM1993AKC DL48433201 HD-OFA: Good GS-42142G24M-T Sire |
ROM Tarahaus Brash 'N Sassy O Wayside1994AKC DL56509008 HD-OFA: Excellent GS-61973E78F-NOPI Dam | ||
SEL CH (US/CAN) Eko-Lan's Havoc v Merivern1996AKC DL66233207 HD-OFA: Fair GS-56924F35F Dam | ROMSEL CH (US/CAN) Eko-Lan's Nemisis ROM1991AKC DL39551902 HD-OFA: Good GS-35816G24M Sire | |
ROMSunriz IQ of Hylock Merivern ROM1994AKC DL54053805 HD- Dam |
User comments
This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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