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Siblings list for Lola vom Holzhütte
Full siblings (or litter mates)
Mother: Anke van Esblokhof SCHH1 and father: G Gucci van Esblokhof SchH3
Mother: Babsi von Spitzbubezwinger SCH III, IPO 3, AD and father: G Gucci van Esblokhof SchH3
Mother: G Bayka van Houthrack IPO3, VH1 and father: G Gucci van Esblokhof SchH3
Mother: Carlsbro Ozzie SCHH3, IPO3 and father: G Gucci van Esblokhof SchH3
Mother: Cira vom Sieben Teufelsturm SCHH1 and father: G Gucci van Esblokhof SchH3
Mother: Cora van 't Leefdaalhof SCHH3 and father: G Gucci van Esblokhof SchH3
Mother: Esthera von der Daelenberghütte and father: G Gucci van Esblokhof SchH3
Mother: G Ferra van het Basjes Huis SCHH3 (99-91-93) and father: G Gucci van Esblokhof SchH3
Mother: Flexa vom Banholz UV - SCH3 and father: G Gucci van Esblokhof SchH3
Mother: G Flo van Zieta's Hof SCHH3 and father: G Gucci van Esblokhof SchH3
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