Where have a the christians gone? - Page 33

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by Shtal on 06 May 2011 - 15:05

gouda wrote: A word of truth spoken is never a waste of time.

You don't get a bigger picture, I'm NOT against word of God that need to be spoken - but  you haven't learned how to use it wisely.

Here is the word of God for you.
Matthew 7:6
Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.


by Ruger1 on 06 May 2011 - 15:05

     If I understand( Mr Grossman)...lol.. correctly, his comment is directed to the way Shtal jumbled the wording in his post..???....And also, the whole content of the post appears to be a little confusing, even to me...lol...though I do understand the point being made....: )

    Shtal...I do not know Steve1, or whether he is wonderful, or not, and it really does not matter anyway what I think of Steve1.....However, how do you know how the course of Steve1's life will play out???...You were at one time an enemy of God... Do not be so quick to make judgment...: )

    shctz1....: )

        To the contrary, in my experience exercising faith is one of the most difficult things to do as a Christian...I am still made of flesh and blood and if the Lord asked me to get out of a boat during a storm and walk on the sea, I would be scared too...Think of the many things day to day that you struggles with that are less then that...The scripture has many examples to support that exercising faith can appear insane at times....: )

     Deanna....: )

    BTW FWIW I like Steve1...: )

Sock Puppet

by Sock Puppet on 06 May 2011 - 15:05

Gouda, Raymond Shtal and MM,

Who are you people trying to convince? None of us are buying 1000's of year old reguritated words. I honestly think the reason you try to convert/preach is to convince yourselves. I believe in karma, but I do not feel the need to tell you, you should believe. 

I believe, just not the way you do. I have faith, but being it is not your way it is wrong. Sounds like another religion who kills people who do not believe like they do.
Which brings me to another point if God is a loving God, then why do all these religions feel it is okay to war each other and kill perhaps millions to expand your God words? 

In my eyes you are just as extreme as the worst fanatical religions of the world. Why do you all feel it is your right to put us down? 

Gouda just because I do not belive like you does not mean I am satans messanger and I resent your implication of such non-sense. With people like you it can only be one way, but other religions predate your religion, so what makes yours right and everyones elses wrong? LMAO at your closed mindedness. Do you honestly believe your religion is the only one that counts for anything?

BTW, gouda since you never answer my questions I do not expect these ones to be answered and if you do you will throw bible verses at me as you can't seem to write anything, but quotes you can steal out of the bible.


by gouda on 06 May 2011 - 15:05

Hi Sueincc

Blessed are you when men revile you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely,for my sake.

Why do the non beleivers rage,why do they imagine vain things?

This is for my new found friend in Christ,on this board  Acts 5:31; And when they had prayed,the place was shaken where they were assembled together;and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost,and they spake the WORD OF GOD WITH BOLDNESS.

Sueincc If I have failed hear in my witness for Christ,will it make me a stronger witness like it did Peter?  In Luke chapter 21 Peter also stumbled,but became a stronger witness.

Read the New Testament Sueinic,its a wonderful experience.



by gouda on 06 May 2011 - 16:05

Good morning Sock Puppet

 You wrote

BTW, gouda since you never answer my questions I do not expect these ones to be answered and if you do you will throw bible verses at me as you can't seem to write anything, but quotes you can steal out of the bible. 
I didnt steel them Sock Puppet,they were given me  freely. The Son of God paid for them with his  the blood he shed for me.
Depending how old you are Sock Puppet,you will probably be history in a few years.

Should i  listen to the quotes of a God mocker,or the words of the Ressurrected Son of God that rose from the dead and  defeated the Devil{,something a non believer cant accomplish?}

Ive answere all your questions Sock Puppet,just not to your satisfaction.




by Shtal on 06 May 2011 - 16:05

Dear Deanna :)

All people I consider are wonderful people until proven wrong in the court of God’s law on the judgement day when it will come.

As for the Sock Puppet, I don’t know what I could consider of him, I don’t know why he brought my name in his post – since I had no desire to waste my time on him, but I wish the best luck for him.

Any person is part of this list:

1. Wheat is the first category of people
2. Tares is the second category of people
3. Field is the third category of people that could be saved if they come to Christ.


by MAINLYMAX on 06 May 2011 - 16:05

I'm not really trying very hard SW....as you may figured out,
 to win you over.

gouda...You are a very good person...I think the boldness at the time it was written,
was the fact that not only the Romans hated them, but their own people did as well..
It is amazing indeed that so many people accepted Christ and still do.

The only thing I notice in this little brain of mine is when a fellow Christian walks
up to me and says.. isn't God Awesome!!!....I smile and think  Stepford Christian here.
But I think it is wonderful indeed to see someone on fire for the Lord. Not lukewarm.
I will always love the Lord, ...but I am a sinner and the spirit is willing.....the flesh is
still very weak.
...I am working on it!

Here is my side note for the day....David Petraeus, current U.S. commander in charge of Afghanistan says Military working dogs have played a pivotal role in the
U.S. military .. and can not be can.. And can not be replaced by man or machine...very good to the Belgium Malinois in the 
the Ben laden assault....Hero dog!


Sock Puppet

by Sock Puppet on 06 May 2011 - 16:05

Goda and Raymond,

Who died and and left you in charge, you have no clue of the disposition of my soul, of course if you want to act/play god, then I can see why you give me only a few years. I will walk this earth long after you are gone.

They were given to you by man, man wrote the bible not god. And we all know how fallible man is.

You have not answered one question.

1. If god is so loving why do you fear him?
2. If your religion is so great how come other religions predate it?
3. What makes you come on a forum with total strangers and start preaching? I have an Aunt just like you and do you know people can't stand being around her, why, because she feels it her right to preach/convert all she meets.
4. Why do you feel you need to convince everyone? We are not trying to convince you.
5. If god is so loving then why does he allow rape, molestation and killing of innocents?
6. I am religious, just not your religion so I am not welcome in his kingdom? I highly doubt you know what god does, but you sure act like you know. Are you now playing the part of god?
7. Why has your religion and others fought against each other killing millions? Is this the Christian thing to do? What happened to all those bible quotes addressing all the religious wars in the name of God?

To answer your original question: Where have a Christians gone. I would guess they died trying to convert people they felt needed saved. btw, for being a great Christian I would think you would know how to spell the word Christian. I think you are a wannabe christian.

Then we have Max-hole who only is a Christian when convenient.


by gouda on 06 May 2011 - 16:05

Hi Shtal

You wrote

Here is the word of God for you.
Matthew 7:6
Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. 

 This verse in my favor . { WATCHMAN}
Evil persons are deserving of condemnation,AND WE HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY UNDER  GOD to warn them of the consequences of their wayward actions.
Please read EZE. 3:16-21.

This verse in your favor  Eph.4:15    {EVANGELIST}

But if they are yet unrepentant,further efforts to convince them of the sinfulness of their ways will result in no benifit.  They are more likely to resent and attack those who pass judgment on their ungodly conduct.

These 2 books do not contredict each other.

 Your brother in Christ



by MAINLYMAX on 06 May 2011 - 16:05

gouda is a good Christian...

I am a wanna be Christain..a sinner..and the list just goes on and on.

But Sock Weezel ....if anybody could spot an asshole ...you would be the one.


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