hillery can't stop - Page 25

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by Hundmutter on 12 August 2016 - 20:08

Stalin...Mao...Pol Pot...all the perfect example of why TRUE socialism is not or should not be about allowing control to rest with one man, or 'the cult of the individual". And incidentally these were all men. Somehow I think that if Mrs Clinton becomes POTUS, even if she is the most rabid Communist (cultural or not)LOL, that eviction of intellectuals will not happen.
Wimmin 1, fellas 0.


by Prager on 14 August 2016 - 01:08

Hundmutter dream on.

Stalin...Mao...Pol Pot... are product of socialism and so is Hitlery. That is my point. The eviction of independent thinking is already happening in schools and places of higher learning in form of PC. Conservative speakers visiting universities are booed by brainwashed students and petitions are passed to silence opposing views or ban such speakers from speaking. When Ann Coulter goes to college campuses, she is accompanied by a bodyguard. And colleges routinely bring in police to protect her and to guard against student violence. No bodyguard or police contingent is necessary for Al Franken. Another leftist, Noam Chomsky, a man who has devoted his life to attacking America, goes from campus to campus without worrying about having so much as a pie thrown at him, something regularly done to conservative David Horowitz.
One is that the more left one goes, the more one is likely to encounter people who substitute "social justice" for personal morality. Another is that in the eyes of most leftists, people who oppose their "progressive" views on the environment, the war and taxes are such morally inferior people that they are not owed decent behavior and worse yet should be banned or even prosecuted as criminals .In June, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse’s (D-R.I.) was urging the U.S. Department of Justice to consider filing a racketeering suit against the oil and coal industries for having promoted wrongful thinking ( WTF!!!?) on climate change, with the activities of ‘conservative policy’ groups an apparent target of the investigation as well.” This is result of socialism and fascism type thinking that opposing views should be punished. And US is not alone : Conservative Canadian lawyer/journalist Ezra Levant facing discipline proceeding “for being disrespectful towards a government agency” So called scientist Bill Nye wants to arrest and jail climate change deniers?
Recently, college campuses around the country have experienced major student protests. These students claim that colleges promote hostile environments LOL that harm minority students and hinder their ability to learn. Pussy generation. To solve these problems, students have demanded that college administrators and faculty create “safe-spaces” in which offensive or disagreeable speech is prohibited and punished. 1st amendment go to hell. 
On top of it it is obvious to me that Liberals hate conservatives far more than conservatives hate liberals.
As Howard Dean, former chairman of the Democratic Party, said on national TV, "Our moral values, in contradiction to the Republicans’, is we don’t think kids ought to go to bed hungry at night." Republicans don’t care about starving children.
Liberals deem conservatives to be racist, homophobic, war mongering, money worshiping and sexist. It makes perfect sense to hate such people. I would, too.
The converse is not true. Conservatives tend to view liberals as immature and foolish. But childish adults and fools don’t merit the hatred that racists do. And the liberal charge that conservatives generally label war critics "traitors" is pure fabrication.
There are conservative examples of such hatred. But they are much more rare. I am comparing the typical passionate liberal with the equally passionate conservative.
If you don’t believe me, try my car test. Put on your car Trump sticker and on another Hillary sticker and see which one is going to get keyed. And then send the repair bill to the Democratic National Committee.
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by Hundmutter on 14 August 2016 - 06:08

I do not think anyone over here would distinguish between car stickers; they'd either vandalise both or leave them alone.

by Noitsyou on 14 August 2016 - 23:08

People overrate the whole college campus thing. You have a campus with 10,000 students and 100 show up to boo some speaker. I don't agree with shouting someone down but it is hardly a reflection on the campus as a whole. The same with the whole safe spaces myth. These are things that are pushed by right wing media upon an audience that has no idea what goes on at colleges.

There is also the historical fact that it was under Reagan that liberal became a dirty word. Also, as far as independent thinking goes, the further right you go the less that is appreciated. Look at Trump and his minions. There is not much thinking, critical or otherwise, going on.

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 15 August 2016 - 04:08

Maybe PC seems funny to those who are not being made fun of. But it has its roots in human dignity and civility. People who have strived to be PC over the years have done so because they have seen a person or group of people being made fun of, harassed, demeaned, bullied, beleaguered, treated unfairly. So granted, sometimes it may seem silly, but most PC terms or statements have their origins in trying to be fair. PC is based on the concept of treating others as you would like to be treated. Hans I think you take it way to far. You use the "politically" part way to literally, I think you are misunderstanding the concept and way off base.


We oppose war because it should only be used as a last resort. Not a first response. We shouldn't go to war over made up lies. Killing 100,000s of innocents to claim some settled grudge a victory is pretty sick. Then you have the effects on the economy to deal with. I don't know a conservative in my private life that I hate. Drama much??? You pontificate and soapbox way to much and most of what you write is so far off base and so out of right field it isn't funny. I just chalk it up to cultural and demographic differences. You are a drama queen though. Hating is a universal thing it knows no political associations but it sure seems the right side of the aisle has way more hatred. I read lots of news article comments at all types of news and I can say unbiasedly that I read more hate coming from the right than the left. Sorry but that is my reality and I am not sure how you come to your reality but it is not correct.

by Noitsyou on 15 August 2016 - 17:08

BTW, Howard Dean was right about republicans not caring if kids go hungry. It was republicans who said that ketchup was a vegetable (although technically it was relish) when they cut school lunch programs by 25%.

As far as the sticker test, if Prager is so sure about that he can always take it. Remember that young woman republican a few years ago who claimed she was attacked by Obama supporters who wrote Obama on her forehead? Turned out she made it up.


by Prager on 17 August 2016 - 17:08

GSDAdmin. FYI- war is good for economy . That is #1 reasons why so called un-necessary wars are fought. Oh and thanks for telling me how I think once again. But I suggest that you deal with the issues and not with reasons for may way of thinking And I also suggest that you worry about how you think. BTW since you accused me be drama queen for saying uncomfortable truth ( lol I have been called worse) , let me say that non is more drama queen-ish then PC crowd.

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 17 August 2016 - 17:08

It turned out real good for the great recession. SMH. Who is PC? I say all kinds of stuff that isn't politically correct just like you say politically correct stuff when it suits you. You are being hypocritical, IMO. When it suits your needs you say PC things which have been seen on these forums for years. You can say it is good for economy all you want but it is generally after a war that things pick back up. Not during war.

by Noitsyou on 17 August 2016 - 22:08

Stalin is the product of socialism? What a load of crap. People need to not look at what labels people use but rather what they actually do when trying to define them. Stalin was clearly a despot who believed in a totalitarian state.


by Prager on 18 August 2016 - 00:08

GSDAdmin. T LOL hahahah I was never pegged for being politically correct. that is a hoot.


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