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by Prager on 18 August 2016 - 01:08

noitsyou. You think Stalin's rise was not facilitated by socialism? Now that is  a "load of crap" amd  if you would  know anything about history  and life of Stalin you could not say suich thing.  Stalin or really Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili studied to be priest at Tiflis Theological Seminary in Georgia. Stalin receives a scholarship to Tiflis Theological Seminary in Georgia but gets involved in socialist  revolutionary activities instead of studying. He learns about the ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and is expelled from the school when his revolutionary ideas are discovered. Thus if it would not be for Marx and Engels and other socialist propagators and creators and if it would not be for socialism it is highly probable that Stalin would end up being a priest.

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 18 August 2016 - 05:08

Not all socialism is about killing, slaughter and power. That would be like me saying all dictators are conservatives. Oh wait, sorry, that would be mostly true. Again, you are taking one example and making it out to be this bad thing instead of saying some forms of socialism that are run by whacked dictators are dangerous - that sir is the classic definition of a drama queen.


by Hundmutter on 18 August 2016 - 06:08


GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 18 August 2016 - 15:08

" GSDAdmin. FYI- war is good for economy ."

Is that so Hans? In a way you make me throw up a little in my mouth when I read your comments.

An image


"LOL hahahah I was never pegged for being politically correct."

I have seen you being PC on this very database. Remember the girl you sent a dog to and she wasn't happy? I am sure you wanted to be a bigger jerk than you were but because you knew the whole GSD community was watching, you put on an act and that is being PC. No denying it Hans we all witnessed it. So, laugh all you want, you are hypocrite of the highest order.

by Noitsyou on 19 August 2016 - 19:08

@Prager, here is another example of your faulty logic:

"Stalin receives a scholarship to Tiflis Theological Seminary in Georgia but gets involved in socialist revolutionary activities instead of studying. He learns about the ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and is expelled from the school when his revolutionary ideas are discovered. Thus if it would not be for Marx and Engels and other socialist propagators and creators and if it would not be for socialism it is highly probable that Stalin would end up being a priest."

Using this logic I could say that if it wasn't for the Industrial Revolution we never would have had Marx. I could say that if Stalin had not accepted or been offered a scholarship to seminary school then he would never have met those revolutionaries. You conveniently leave out the part about how Stalin chose that path. Why did he choose it?

It's an easy way out to blame someone's actions on ideas and ideologies.


by Prager on 19 August 2016 - 20:08

Not all socialism is about killing, slaughter and power.

Hans : lol what do you think the socialism is all about if not about power? Helping each other?

GSDadmin:That would be like me saying all dictators are conservatives. Oh wait, sorry, that would be mostly true.

Hans: Dictators come in all colors. Yet the biggest and most evil and most murderous were socialists dictators. Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, Mao Tse Tung, Pol pot, each murdered in the same era probably more people then the all the so called conservative dictators combined.


GSDadmin:Again, you are taking one example and making it out to be this bad thing instead of saying some forms of socialism that are run by whacked dictators are dangerous - that sir is the classic definition of a drama queen.

Hans : Oh I can give you all strings of socialist dictators. But lets not go there. My problem with Socialism is the fact that it talks about economic equality and it always oppresses personal freedom. Some people are OK with it. I am not. I have lived in system like that and I do not know anything much worse.
The point is that liberals strive on what they call economics security and equality. Either of these 2 notions without liberty are evil. I believe that equality in front of the law is necessity but in general equality without liberty is evil. The reason for that is by example , that we can be equal in slavery and in oppression in general.  And if we have equality without liberty then the system will eventually and inevitably drift to Tyranny.  After all by it's definition Fascism is all about equality. Thus in order to make an equality a virtue we must irrevocable combine it with freedom - personal and political Liberty. 


by Prager on 19 August 2016 - 21:08

Noitsyou. You are overthinking it. I have said that Stalin was product of socialism. That is true . Without socialism we would not have SOCIALIST dictator Stalin. That s undeniable. Without socialism Stalin would probably be Orthodox priest.

by Noitsyou on 19 August 2016 - 22:08

No, you are under-thinking it. I can use the same "logic" to say that if God never created the universe we never would have had socialism and Stalin.

Socialism did not create Stalin. He was a sociopath before he ever heard of Marx. Makes one wonder what he was thinking priesthood would allow him to do. He was also around 20 years old when he started learning about Lenin so you shouldn't discount what impact those formative years had on him. He wasn't a tabula rasa. As far as becoming a priest, he became an atheist before he became a socialist.


by Hundmutter on 20 August 2016 - 05:08

"Makes one wonder what he was thinking priesthood would allow him to do"... Excellent point !
And he had Rasputin as a fairly recent example to follow,if he'd chosen that route !


by Prager on 20 August 2016 - 17:08

Noitsyou. I am not saying that Stalin was not monster no matter what. I am saying that Stalin's monstrosity in his case was facilitated by socialism. I doubt that Stalin would kill 50+ million if he would be orthodox priest. We in Czech say "opportunity makes a thief". In this case the opportunity for Stalin was Socialism.


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