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by Jenni78 on 11 April 2015 - 17:04
Joan, you misunderstood. I am not interested in arguing. Just reread what I wrote, please and read below, carefully. We're all on the same side, here.
*I* admitted that you may have been harsh, but I didn't say I disagreed with your perspective. I was admitting that while you may have been harsh, your points were valid. Kitkat was being sarcastic, acting like people jumped on the OP for getting rid of Gunner when she divorced instead of "to make room for new females" and since you were the one being hardest on the OP, I was defending you that I have never heard of you getting rid of a dog just to make room for a new money-making female. I did not say Kitkat accused you of that. I simply said since I had never known you to do that, I thought the comment was displaced in this thread. That's all...I think you're over-reacting. JMHO.
by joanro on 11 April 2015 - 17:04
by CKKStudios2010 on 12 April 2015 - 01:04
by CKKStudios2010 on 12 April 2015 - 01:04
by hntrjmpr434 on 12 April 2015 - 01:04
Alrighttttttttt OP.
Just because the dog is *supposedly* working lines does not mean that he did not come from a BYB. Working lines does NOT mean the breeding is of quality. There are poor dogs of all varieties.
There is no way for YOU to conclude that his issues were/weren't environmental/genetic.
SO sorry that people who give a care about the GSD, and dogs in general aren't so supportive of your little journey to find the BYB so you can get another dog just like Gunner.
We are NOT discussing whether or not to go buy a used car down the road from a sketchy dealer, we are discussing buying a LIVING creature that is of the mercy of we humans decide. SO YES, let us all support a BYB so they continue to breed.
Sorry you feel the need to continuously pull the victim card here.
Sorry we are so "self-righteous". Some of us just hate to see BYBs and puppy mills pump out dogs like a toy factory.
Yes, let us support them so the dogs SUFFER.
by hntrjmpr434 on 12 April 2015 - 01:04
" I had planned to find said breeder and look further into their facility/kennels.."
Yeah, to BUY another dog/puppy. Quit manipulating your intentions to fit being a victim.
If you are so experienced with dogs as you imply, then you should know about the poor ethics of BYBs and realize they wouldn't breed if they didn't have any CUSTOMERS.
We have to remember that we are discussing another LIFE here.
Sorry for the "harsh" rant, but a dog's welfare is worth defending.
by joanro on 12 April 2015 - 02:04
That ^^^ post by you, op, makes it clear you simply haven't understood anything that has been said to you.
lewd remarks? Really? No one 'concluded gunner's issues were 'strictly genetic'. You were advised to consider the possibility. You still never answered my questions. Like how did a dog that had to wear a muzzle when in the company of his family show loyalty? If he's couldn't be trusted without a muzzle in his own family's presents, how was he 'loyal'? That's not a rant, I'm trying to learn how that works....BTW, being a sable dog doesn't make gunner a working dog, and being a working dog doesn't guarantee a sound temperament.
by CKKStudios2010 on 12 April 2015 - 18:04
by joanro on 12 April 2015 - 18:04
by Hundmutter on 12 April 2015 - 20:04
CKK you say you don't go in for 'sugar coating' ... point is, neither do we.
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