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by Hundmutter on 08 March 2021 - 13:03
by BRADY BEE on 08 March 2021 - 13:03
by Sunsilver on 08 March 2021 - 14:03
When I worked as a community nurse, I was REQUIRED to get vaccinated for the flu every year! It should be mandatory for ALL frontline health care workers!
Also, I don't have time to look it up, but I believe that proof of vaccination for certain diseases is REQUIRED for entry into certain countries. And it won't suprise me at all if that becomes true for COVID, once borders open back up!
Brady Bee, I'm not sure what the problem is with the vaccine rollout in Canada. I think part of it is Ontario's premier is a dick... :-( Ontario is definitely lagging behind some of the other provinces.
by Hundmutter on 09 March 2021 - 02:03
I am sure that with the health workers' apparent reluctance, there is an element of the 'BAME effect' with so many frontline workers being people of colour and there still being so much misinformation around; but that canot be the whole story (and is surely not the problem in Berkshire, where although there are large Asian populations, the county as a whole is white-populated and expensive !).
by Hundmutter on 09 March 2021 - 02:03
by mrdarcy on 09 March 2021 - 04:03
by BRADY BEE on 09 March 2021 - 07:03
I really can't understand why anyone is reluctant to have the vaccine, apart from having a needle phobia. If it's all down to misinformation, why do they believe it, yet don't believe the government /scientists. I just can't get my head round it. Especially when it appears to be those that have been badly affected by the virus, that are reluctant.
I have read talk of making it mandatory for Health Care workers, but I can't see that happening. I might be wrong. If people want to go abroad I'm sure they'll have to show proof that they've had the vaccine, which is fair enough, but I can't see that being used domestically. Untill the young ones get vaccinated the pubs and clubs would be full of oldies lol . like me !
by Sunsilver on 09 March 2021 - 10:03
It helps a bit if you don't tense up in anticipation of the jab, I think, so that's one reason for not watching.
by BRADY BEE on 09 March 2021 - 11:03
by Hundmutter on 09 March 2021 - 15:03
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