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by Hundmutter on 24 August 2016 - 04:08

And Mr Trump is a dab hand at THAT art ...


by Prager on 24 August 2016 - 06:08

For at least 50 years democrats are saying that they will help blacks and other minorities, women and poor, yet  despite Obamas iron fist almost dictatorial rule of executive orders,  and republicans kissing democratic ass, democrats them selves are pointing out that these groups are in more economic trouble then ever.  on to of ir race hate of blacks towards white is higher then in long time.  Cops and blacks are in mode us against them more then ever. The racial chasm is deeper and wider then in long time. and definitely it is deeper since Your president Obama was elected into power.   All the so called "helping programs" did little good. Nationally, the official fake number of unemployment is about 5 percent, down from 10 percent in 2009. But for black Americans, the unemployment rate is much higher—for them, the economy is still a disaster. Unemployment among blacks was 9.5 percent during the third quarter of 2015 compared to only 4.5 percent for whites. While the discrepancy in unemployment has been volatile, the current gap is actually slightly larger than the one that existed 15 years ago or in the years directly preceding the recession.

Despite of  all the by democrats and by establishment republicans installed  programs   the education level of blacks is plummeting  and unemployment is higher.  Leftist whack job    Bernie Sanders himself says: 

"For young people who have graduated high school or dropped out of high school, who are between the ages of 17 and 20, if they happen to be white, the unemployment rate is 33 percent," he said. "If they are Hispanic, the unemployment rate is 36 percent. If they are African-American, the real unemployment rate for young people is 51 percent."  How is that possible with all the "help" they are getting. maybe it is because it is not much of a help. 


It seems to me that anyway you spin it the democrats are failing their promises to minorities and poor miserable which they are shelling out every election cycle in order to get elected.  And IMO they do it o purpose in order to get votes because they are  screaming  from high places that they are helping . But are they? If you look at statistics not in my book.  If someone claims to be heping me and I am doing worse and worse,... then what does that mean.?   You tell me. 


by Prager on 24 August 2016 - 06:08

People can criticize the democrats for supporting entitlements that only serve to maintain a status quo of a permanent underclass, it was an underclass before welfare came into the picture, but what's the alternative that the republicans offer? Start cutting people off so their children go hungry?

Hans : No> Install programs which are not just lip service but which actually help.

by beetree on 24 August 2016 - 15:08

If the government owes.., for creating the ghetto, what is the payment? Clean up? Or individual payouts? Govt rearing of the impoverished children? Are the sins of the white father visited upon his children, ever to be paid?

Blockbusting was exposed and addressed 50 years ago. Gentrifying started as the rage in the 80's, and often it gets a weird opposite reaction that gets a racist bent to its practice, claiming improvements exclude minority rent paying ability. I never understood why new affordable housing projects would always become defaced by the ones living there. Playgrounds never had the seats on the swing sets, or nets on the hoops. And forget the tennis court condition, if it even exists.

How do you keep kids in school and not joining gangs when mom is the only breadwinner and head of household? Rely on the government is your answer? Free money, food and apartments, until it appeals greater than getting murdered in a gang war, because it is owed them from some bad policy from the past?

Easy money was the false god of the eighties and nineties, everyone bought into it, and the lingering memory of those glory days are still hard to shake off.


by Noitsyou on 24 August 2016 - 15:08

@Hans, republicans don't want to pay for any programs, period.

@beetree, I don't know exactly what the government should do but the first step is acknowledging that it has that responsibility. Perhaps if both parties agreed on that point something positive might result. But let's be real, poor people don't fund campaigns.

by beetree on 24 August 2016 - 20:08

An open ended acceptance of responsibility from the government coffers? Sounds like we need another apology from the Pope, too.

Really, that isn't going to happen. There are social programs already and their success or failure isn't because some political party or economic principle champion thought poor people deserved a restitution check due to past historical injustice.

You like to claim how dumb people are, well, how dumb are they?

They are so dumb, they need government to tell them to use birth control, to raise their kids, subsidize their housing, provide free meals. And give them a stipend to free them of worry, and that will be what will raise them out of poverty. In return they will agree to just hope they'll at least be able to get a HS diploma or a GED, to make a living on a minimum wage job that starts at $10.10, and try to not get hit by a stray gang bullet on the weekend while relaxing and attending their building wide BBQ.

Is the treasury supposed to print the money-give-away restitution? Or, I bet it is easier to just take it from the richest people? A flat rate tax, or a direct skim off the top of a capped amount, maybe, like a Pull 'Em All Out of Poverty Tax, for anyone making more than, what, a billion? 5 million? 1 million? I have no idea what that number would really be, but GSDAdmin is good with statistics, he could figure out what that will equal: How many Poor People/ $ needed / by rich people making _X_$1,000.000.

Then maybe we got something to work with. Now, when there are no more poor people, (or a teeny, tiny, small percentage, that will take into account that some super-dumb, poor people really don't care to change their situation—maybe they like being drug addicts and dealers? Any way, once the poor people rate is really, really small, then the rich people will be able to keep all their money. So, I think that is a good incentive, give the rich people a goal, too.

Beetree for President! LOL


by Prager on 25 August 2016 - 03:08

LOL Notisyou your statements are more and more ridiculous. So even if it would be true and repubs would not implement any programs then in your book it is better to implement programs which are crippling US economy and yet, as it is quite obvious, they do not work, perpetuate poverty, lack of education and unemployment for generations. It is just much better to under force take money from pockets of working people and give it to non working people. Where I am coming from that is called theft,.. in this case it is organized theft facilitated by leftist part of the government while it all feel just great to usefully idiots. Never mind that it does not work. Who cares if the recipients vote for such leftists in more anticipation of " free phones".
By the way put me on record as saying that establishment republicans and liberals are all the same sorry bunch. That is why anti-establishments guy like Trump is so popular and that is why establishment hacks on either side are terrified of him and hate him. There is no other reason. Except that useful naive and useful idiots are cheering on the establishment behalf. It is a sad sight indeed.....

by Noitsyou on 25 August 2016 - 19:08

@Prager, where you come from is not the USA so I wouldn't expect you to have any comprehension of our history. I know, you know one black dude so you know all about the black experience.

@beetree, did I say to just hand out money? I said that something needs to be done by the government. The government made the effort to create the ghettos and the trailer parks so it bears some responsibility to fix them.

BTW, there are plenty of "intelligent" wealthy people who are drug addicts.


by Prager on 28 August 2016 - 04:08

noitsyou Considering that you wife is black I do not know how anyone can understand how you can justify that democrats for at least 50 years kept blacks intentionally poor and uneducated and dependent on state welfare  and are committing genocide on them by abortion. You should be pissed off by the fact that Democrats keep blacks dependent on their welfare. yet yuou defent them . You  should be ashamed of yourself. The first black members of the US House and Senate were Republicans. The first civil rights legislation came from Republicans. Democrats gave us the KKK, Jim Crow, lynchings, poll taxes, literacy tests, and failed policies like the “Great Society.” Republican President Eisenhower ordered troops to enforce school desegregation. Republican Senator Everett Dirksen enabled the 1964 civil rights legislation to pass, in opposition to Democrat Senators Robert Byrd (KKK Grand Wizard) and

Al Gore, Sr. As a matter of fact, it was Democrat President Lyndon Baines Johnson who stated about signing civil rights act. , “I’ll have those niggxxs voting Democratic for the next 200 years” as he confided with two like-minded governors on Air Force One regarding his underlying intentions for the “Great Society” programs.   A piece of irony is that Democrats got the credit for passing the Civil Rights Act 1964 because LBJ opposed the Eisenhower Civil Rights Act 1957 in its original form. Otherwise, Republicans would have gotten the credit. BTW JFK another democrat opposed Eisenhower Civil Rights Act 1957

In a sense, Blacks are still enslaved, this time to the Democratic Party   with chains of dependency and resentment and hatered fuled by Obama more then anyone else.  According to many writers, Black income rose faster before 1964 than after. So the Great Society programs did not help.

The most convincing proof that liberal policies ( call it Socialism) do not work is to look at cities that were run by Democrats for a long time. Take a look at say Detroit, a poor crime ridden city run by Democrats for over 50 years.Median household income was $26,325 for the period 2009 to 2013. This makes it one of the poorest cities in the US. The Black population is about 83%. Since they are the majority group, racial discrimination cannot be the reason why there are so many jobless people.Black Professor economist Walter Williams said, “The welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery couldn’t do, what Jim Crow couldn’t do, what the harshest racism couldn’t do. And that is to destroy the Black family.”

The main cause of poverty is the breakdown of the Black family, but Democrats blame it on racism. All they want to do is to keep minorities  angry and dependent on the government so that they will keep voting Democrat. LBJ’s plan is working when he said that he will keep blacks ( he used N word) voting democratic for next 200 years. 

 So please do not tell me about not understanding US history. You are Democrat apologist. 


Little example :

Here is DEMOCRAT LBJ talking about blacks in derogatory way:



by Prager on 28 August 2016 - 04:08

I mean this guy came from USA so maybe  he "comprehand" our history. ( BTW that was is of dummest statements noitsyou  keeps making. )




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