Simple pedigree chart for Donnybrook's Nana (1564509)

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Simple pedigree chart for Am Ch Donnybrook's Nana

Am Ch Donnybrook's Nana
Am Ch Donnybrook's Benjamin
Am Ch Aberdeen's Barnaby Rudge
Am Ch Triskett's Topsail
Am Ch Triskett's Tuffy Tolliver
Am Ch Battison Belladonna
Am Ch Triskett's Topnotcher
Am Ch Battison Belladonna
Am Ch Donnybrook's Jennifer
Am Ch Loch Crest Highfalutin'
Am Ch Loch Crest Laurie
Am Ch Suncrest Little Audrey
Am Ch Bee's Honey Bee of Dew West
Am Ch Donnybrook's Chloe
Am Ch Battison Good Friday
Am BISS Ch Triskett's Most Happy Fella
Ch Lawrenton's White Raisin
Am Can Ch Lawrenton Wee Maggie
Am Ch Lawrenton Symphonic
Am Ch Donnybrook's Miss Triskett
Am BISS Ch Triskett's Most Happy Fella
Ch Lawrenton's White Raisin
Am Ch Suncrest Little Audrey
Am Ch Bee's Honey Bee of Dew West
Donnybrook's Patty Jane
Eng Ch Pillerton Peterman
Slitrig Simon of Lynwood
(KCS 458BA)
Eng Ch Famecheck Gay Buccaneer
Eng Ch Famecheck Lucky Mascot
Slitrig Sweet Suzette
Slitrig Sapphire
Eng Ch Pillerton Pickle
(KCS 1116AX)
Eng Ch Calluna The Poacher
Calluna Vermintude
Blainy Of Branston
Binty Of Branston
Am Ch Whitebriar Jolyminx
Eng Ch Whitebriar Jonfair
(KCS 2137BF)
Whitebriar Johncock
(KCR 112065/67)
Warberry Satellite
(KCS 1974AX)
Whitebriar Jatoma
Whitebriar Jeenay
(KCR 126259/68)
Whitebriar Jinka
Whitebriar Jesca
(KCR 155463/69)
Whitebriar Johncock
(KCR 112065/67)
Warberry Satellite
(KCS 1974AX)
Whitebriar Jatoma
Whitebriar Jabeenie
(KCR 24767/65)
Whitebriar Juna


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