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by marjorie on 23 February 2013 - 21:02

Admin- Can you please make this a sticky?


I have had it with all the killing of the animals in this nation. It is NOT ACCEPTABLE! I am mad as hell and I not going to take it anymore. Therefore, I am going to ask all of you to join with me in an effort to put a stop to this insanity. I want 1,000,000 signatures, at the very least, to be placed upon a petition that will go to every state, as well as the Federal Government, calling for a halt to the killing of this nation's animals in what are supposed to be *shelters*. I need volunteers to gather pictures of all the animals whose pictures have been posted, that have been euthanized. I want STATS! I need STATS! I need volunteers to monitor the shelters in their areas. Julie and I will work on the petition next week. Once we have our signatures, we need to march on Washington, peacefully, and let our voices be heard. We need a million man march to get our point across and I dont care if everyone has to walk to get there! Nothing will change, unless we FORCE it to change! We CAN do this if we all work together! If we get the volunteers we need, I will start a facebook page devoted soley to this project. I will need all of you to contact all of your friends who are animal people. If we can join together, in huge numbers, our voices will be heard. Please let me know if you would be willing to join in this mission of mercy and what you are willing to do. We need to make it clear, to the powers that be, that killing of animals will no longer be tolerated as acceptable. In order for this to work, we need to work together. If not, the killing will continue and we will not have done our part to protect those without a voice, who would give their lives for us. Would you be willing to help?
  Bullet points for petition. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to suggest.   ---The Euthanasia rate in this country is creating a holocaust for domestic animals.   ---Euthanasia via inhumane cruel methods causing painful death must cease to be legal.   --Animals turned into shelters with broken bones or suffering from extreme abuse cannot be left to suffer without medical attention.   ---Laws need to be enacted to prevent domestic animals from being treated as property or commodities.   --- Puppy mills, puppy auctions and pet stores need to be shut down and made illegal. This is the major source of pet overpopulation.   ---Registration entities should be prohibited from supplying registration numbers for animals purchased from pet stores, puppy mills, or commercial breeders and anyone who is not licensed to breed. Licenses must be submitted with registration requests.   ---Licensed breeders must agree to take back animals they have bred if the animals cannot be kept by the purchaser. Failure to do so should result in immediate suspension of licenses.   ---Educational programs must be made part of the school curriculum, started in garde school to teach responsible pet ownership.   ---Stiff penalties and serious jail time must be given to animal abusers. It is a fact animal abusers often escalate to become people abusers.   ---Spay/neuter laws need to be created, implemented and enforced, with only medical exceptions allowed.   ---Licensed breeders must agree to take back animals they have bred if the animals cannot be kept by the purchaser. Failure to do so should result in immediate suspension of licenses.   ---Educational programs must be made part of the school curriculum, started in grade school to teach responsible pet ownership.   ---Stiff penalties and serious jail time must be given to animal abusers. It is a fact that people who abuse animals often go on to abusing humans.   ---Spay/neuter laws in pet quality animals need to be created, implemented and enforced, with only medical exceptions allowed.   ---The euthanization of any animal that has rescue in place shall be deemed a criminal offense.  

by joanro on 23 February 2013 - 22:02

So, who will be the entity to determine whether or not an animal is 'pet' quality. Where is the money going to come from to enforce these laws. Who will issue the breeding 'licenses', and who collects the money, what is the criteria for a license ? Spay/ neuter laws are already in place, and are not effective. Since the spay/neuter law was implemented in Ashville, the shelter population gone UP remarkably. if a dog is not owned by anyone because a law says there is no such thing as animal "owners", then who, pray tell, is responsible for that animal's care and vet bills. We could become a communist country, eliminating the right to OWN an animal, and ALL animals can be wards of the STATE? THAT would solve all your problems.

PS. I already take back dogs I've produced if an owner can't keep it for what ever reason. I don't need a f'ing state or federal law to FORCE me to do it.


by rtdmmcintyre on 23 February 2013 - 22:02

I worked at the animal shelter in Tallahassee.  22 years ago there were at least 15 dogs a day put down and somewhere around 5 to 10 cats.  Sometimes many more.  if you just multiply those numbers by the days in a week and figure how many per year.   That does not include all those who were adopted out and those who went into foster care.  I had 20 at my place during that time period which were a combination of rescues that I personally kept as well as dogs I was fostering.  To try to end all euthanasia would put a hard ship on already taxed shelters.  Most already don't have adequate housing for the dogs.  barely able to supply enough food.  Reforms are necessary but the problems really comes from the person who has no knowledge nor desire to know more about their dogs.  The person who ties their dog out back and occasionally throws food out to it.  This is the person who lets their dog breed freely  and really doesn't care what happens to that cute puppy.  But is the answer more legislation?  How many freedoms are you personally willing to give up?  You are a very noble person and you desires I believe are pure.   But I worked in that system and truly believe there are no easy solutions.  I don't believe that by education or by legislation are you going to take care of this situation.  Most areas already have many of the things you suggest in place in theory.  But don't have the funding to implement.   What is the deficit of the US government?  And who says that a pure bred is better then a pet?  I do but that is my opinion.  who has the right to force their opinion on everyone else in a free country?  Once again I think you are a noble person with noble goals,  but I think it isn't realistic to believe that in this country to end all euthanasia. 


by marjorie on 24 February 2013 - 00:02

Pet quality dog is exactly as its name implies. It is a dog that is purchased to be a family member that is purchased strictly for companionship.  A dog whose owners have no intention of titling or pursuing any of the venues in which dogs participate in competition. 

No one is talking hobby breeder, here. The target is large commercial enterprises. Puppy mills should not be continued to operate. The conditions in which the animals are kept are abusive and unhealthy. Many purchase pups from pet stores, bring them home and breed them because they are cute and because they make money from breeding them. People who engage in this type of breeding do not do health checks, and they do not research lines to know which combos are good or bad. They do not have the education to do so. Craigslist is a perfect example of this situation. Commercial enterprises who breed umpteen times a year can be monitored via puppy registration.

No one ever said a pure bred is better than a mutt.. If you can, please point out where the word mutt or pure bred was mentioned. Again, a pet is exactly that- no more, no less, and breed or mix doesnt matter. Some of the priciest dogs purchased these days are the designer mutts and new breeds in the making, that have not yet been established as an official breed. (ex- doodles and poos of all sorts, tamaskan dogs, etc)

Joanro, just because you take back your pets does not mean others do. Sadly, most do not. If one truly cares, they would take back their pups so that should be a non issue. If one does not take back their pups, they should not be breeding. Dogs do not ask to be brought into this world- they have no choice. Therefore, responsibility lies with those who brought them into this world.

Honestly, I cannot understand how anyone could feel that throwing animals under the bus would be acceptable.Those very same animals would prtect their owners to the death!  If one breeds, one needs to be responsible. I dont see that as being an issue unless one does not wish to do the right thing. It is very disappointing to me that anyone would feel it is ok for thousands upon thousands of animals to be killed in shelters, daily, many in some very inhumane ways- large dogs thrown into  gas chambers with smaller ones and cats to suffocate in varying degrees, depending upon their size.  People, IMHO, who feel this should be acceptable, because to do otherwise would stomp on their  liberties* should be forced to watch this abomination, or watch a dog die in agony after being heartsticked, sometimes takignas long as   30 minutes to die in agony.  I am  sorry, if I ever get that way and become that jaded, hopefully someone will shoot me...

by hexe on 24 February 2013 - 00:02

" I already take back dogs I've produced if an owner can't keep it for what ever reason. I don't need a f'ing state or federal law to FORCE me to do it."

By that rationale, since I already DON'T kill people for any reason whatsoever, I don't need a f'ing state or federal law to FORCE me not to do it.   If everyone did what they were supposed to do, ethically and morally, and DIDN'T do stuff they SHOULDN'T morally and ethically do, we wouldn't need ANY f'ing state or federal laws to FORCE anyone to do or not do ANYTHING.  Let me know when you find that perfect population so I can relocate to where they live, too.

A law that required breeders to take back pups or dogs they've produced wouldn't have any impact on you if you already do that of your own volition, so it would hardly be forcing you to do anything.  It would only be forcing people who weren't as responsible as you to perform as you do already.


by rtdmmcintyre on 24 February 2013 - 00:02

I know this makes little difference.  but most shelters don't gas, most use the same chemicals that they use on criminals.  I know because that used to be my job.  The only way I could rationalize it was to weigh the options.  The dog was taken off the street, or out of the back yard where it was being starved, or was hit by a car, or had been left to run loose for so long it was turning wild, or and the list goes on.  so they could be loved for the week that they were under my care and put down gently in my hands who would pet them and comfort them and cry over them, or I could turn my back and let them either be treated like a slab of meat, hit by a car or starved to death, turn wild catch rabies and bite someone.  I never "threw one under the bus"  it broke my heart every day, still breaks my heart now, brings great anger up into my heart.  Even though shelters have to euthanase doesn't mean they are heartless.  We would have liked to find homes for all the dogs that came through there.  I would have taken almost every one of them home if I had to means.


by rtdmmcintyre on 24 February 2013 - 00:02

also most dogs at the shelters aren't coming from puppy mills but are mixed breeds, coming from back yards

by joanro on 24 February 2013 - 00:02

Hexe, I'm saying that more laws are not the answer. It's a bit out off, implying that laws to punish people for murder equate to punishing someone for not taking back a dog they produced. I didn't say that necessary laws should be abolished. That's silly.


by marjorie on 24 February 2013 - 00:02

There are many many shelters that still use gas and heartstick methods of euthanization. ONE would be too many, if you were the dog being thrown in there by a catch pole or stabbed in the heart! I am sorry- it is nothing short of  barbaric andthrild world- not something a civilized society would even consider doing! In fact, there is a new, larger gas chamber that has just come out on the market! Whoop-de-doo!  Isnt that just the best news??? Trample my liberty any day, rather than cause the suffering of  innocents who do not ask to be borm but only have love to give!

---- > also most dogs at the shelters aren't coming from puppy mills but are mixed breeds, coming from back yards

and where do those backyard dogs come from, originally?????? They dont just magically appear out of the sky! You think they were purchased from reputable breeders for big bucks???  thus my suggestion for mandatory spay neuter of pets! You just prived my point!


by marjorie on 24 February 2013 - 00:02

--- >  Let me know when you find that perfect population so I can relocate to where they live, too.

Can I come, too, please? LOL!

I just dont understand someone taking a hissy fit over having to do  the right thing, if they are already doing it! No, they would not be affected at all, by new regulations proposing the same.


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