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by beetree on 08 July 2016 - 13:07

Dallas sniper(s) murdering cops. Angry, illogical gun wielding people. How violence against innocent cops protecting a peaceful protest march becomes someone's solution just doesn't make sense.

My sympathies to the families of the killed. May justice be served.

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 08 July 2016 - 14:07

Senseless in that you don't live in their shoes and therefore can't understand their struggles. It is going to get worse and yes bluelivesmatter. I wonder if the terrist lady is blaming this on the Islamists? Imagine this was in Texas where almost everyone carries and no good guys with guns could stop it and only the police could do anything. What we need is more guns because guns solve all our problems. And to those who carry keep in mind that the guy in Minnesota was a law abiding citizen who was gunned down by a scared cop and you might be next, how safe are you now?

by beetree on 08 July 2016 - 14:07

Are you being sarcastic when you say "bluelivesmatter"? And you think that it makes sense to kill cops in Dallas because of an individual cop in LA or MN. Really, and I certainly can empathize with those wrongs, still I can see killing innocent cops in Dallas, as senseless. I am surprised you are more sympathetic sounding to the sniper shooter!?!

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 08 July 2016 - 14:07

No not sarcastic, all lives matter. It isn't about isolated incidents. It is about society wide racism. Not really sympathetic but I understand it more than killing a bunch of school children or a club full of gays. Lets face it, our police are scared and are a part of society and therefore some are racist. BTW, these are not isolated events they happen everyday in America. What is needed is more guns. Guns solve our problems, they fix our weaknesses. They are the answer. Now yes that is sarcasm.

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 08 July 2016 - 16:07

Imagine an army reservist, another senseless mass shooting with legal guns. SMH at the senseless killing that PEOPLE and GUNS perpetuate. When will it end? How will it end? I have a clue but it will not be pretty. Today most of us will go through our daily struggles and tomorrow nothing will have changed except more hate, more guns and more tragedy.

by Noitsyou on 08 July 2016 - 18:07

The truth of the matter is that cops are not the great threat to black people the media and race baiters want it to seem like. This struggle against racist cops is just a diversion from the real struggle. If cops killed no black people it won't change the murder rate among blacks. It won't change the teen pregnancy rate. It won't change the high rates of illiteracy and number of HS dropouts. It won't get rid of gangs. It won't reduce poverty. It won't create two parent homes. There is a real struggle but it's easier to point the fingers at others instead of looking in the mirror and admitting that something is very wrong from within.

Yes, there are sociological reasons for these problems. Yes, racism and a history of slavery and then legal discrimination are at the root. Knowing the root cause is good but change will require moving forward from where are now. If you have cancer you don't care as much about how you got it than you do how to get rid of it.

by beetree on 08 July 2016 - 21:07

@GSD Admin... So what is your clue to the ugly truth on how you see the violence can end?

I don't know how to predict which cops will turn to racist murder, or which young men with military service and training will snap into a murderous killing vengence.

There was one guy, legally marching with an AK15 (I think) slung across his shoulder. What the heck was the purpose of that? That is utterly senseless, to me.

@Noitsyou.  Your answer? Is it parity in education, family support (father involvement) and the end of poverty and hunger? Teen pregnancies, btw, have been steadily dropping across the board. Hopefully that will keep trending down.

by Noitsyou on 08 July 2016 - 22:07

@beetree, those would be goals, the question is how to reach them. What it would take to reach them is something that no one has the courage to try because it would take the people who live in the ghettos to admit that their culture is not conducive to having a civilized community and the people who don't live there to admit that the culture of the ghetto is crap. The people in the ghetto would prefer to blame others for their circumstances and people on the outside don't want to be called racists. If a black person speaks out against ghetto culture he is an Uncle Tom.

If a school decided to teach and enforce a value system that is different from the ghetto's it will be in conflict with what many students have been taught in the home and on the corner. How do you do that without saying to the students their parents are what stands in the way of their success or that their parents are perfect examples of a lifetime of bad decisions?

So what I'm saying is that since we won't/can't force a value system on the ghettos it will take most of people there to finally wake up and see that it isn't working for things to change. Until that happens it will be on an individual level that people do what they have to to get out.

I lived in the ghetto. There are a lot of good people but there are also a lot of very dumb people. The myth is that it is only a few individuals who are bad apples but that doesn't make sense. If it were only a few then Chicago would not be Baghdad. There is a significant number of idiots and there is no cure for stupid. Unfortunately, most of the money and effort is spent on the idiots at the expense of those who have a chance to something worthwhile with their lives.


by Mindhunt on 09 July 2016 - 02:07

Blacks have been targeted by racist LEOs for a very long time.  Keep in mind, the very few racist officers are the only ones making it into the media.  The good ones rarely get a sound bite.  As for Philandro Castille's killing and Alton Sterling's killing were senseless.  Philandro was not a thug, his girlfriend's four year old daughter witnessed the ENTIRE INCIDENT. 

Unfortunately many of my black clients tell me they have to have "the talk" with their sons regarding behavior in public so as not to draw attention to themselves.  That is sad.

Below are some family pictures of kids with guns.  How many see:

- white kids = just a family

- black kids = thugs

- muslim child = future terrorist

An image   An image   An image

You don't have to answer here but the visceral gut reaction to each picture lets you know we have a long way to go with racism............

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 09 July 2016 - 07:07

You know what I see - utter and complete stupidity is what I see. Bee I prefer to keep it to myself. It will not be pretty. It will mean death to many, it will turn families against each other. No, it will not be the 2nd coming of your God. But many will wish it was.


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