Hyperkinesis in a working bloodline - Page 1

Pedigree Database

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by Koach on 02 May 2019 - 13:05

It’s been a very difficult time for us raising this dog to be a IGP dog and family companion. We have had hunting and working dogs since the mid 60's and this is our first experience with what has turned out to be a case of pathological hyperkinesis. Not easy to deal with for someone who has had never seen this before.

Symptoms that he has are:
No bite inhibition when overexcited (feeding time, playing ball, etc)
Growls and attacks at verbal corrections and reacts with defensive aggression
Feels absolutely no pain when excited
Bites unintentionally when excited (positive training, luring, etc)
Continually seeks attention with uncontrolled crying, squeaking and moaning.
Everything frustrates him
Super alert but cannot concentrate (forgets which command was given)
Sleeps very little and sleep is agitated
Cannot control his drives
Pees once a day only except in winter when he eats so much snow that he blows up in size and goes into hypothermia
Exaggerated response to external stimuli
High heart rate
Excessive salivation
Very high metabolism (cannot put on weight with double portions only makes him have loose stools.
Always slightly high body temperature
Poor train-ability as he matures (as a puppy it was better)
Eats and swallows wood then passes blood in stools
Food allergies to all proteins except fish and organic beef
Sheds +++ in all seasons
Aggression towards visitors if they tell him not to jump up on them
Gobbles down food – bones – frozen meat (never chews food)
Trembles when being brushed
Cries and bites hard when having nails done with Dremel (yet as a puppy it was ok)
Will bite if trying to lift onto table or take in arms.
Bites through training vest pocket for ball in training and growls if corrected
Has diarrhea after training or playing ball

Because of this we waited until he was 14 months old to start bitework and after every session his situation is worse. We will have to stop that.


by xPyrotechnic on 02 May 2019 - 13:05

what causes this is it genetics or just the personality of this dog

by Koach on 02 May 2019 - 14:05

Most likely genetics. In this case probably from the mother's side and one sister to this dog has a few of the symptoms but not to the extent of this guy.


by yogidog on 02 May 2019 - 17:05

What’s the pedigree

by Koach on 02 May 2019 - 21:05

Yogidog, sorry but I posted this so that maybe I could learn about this sickness. The pedigree is unimportant to me because the breeding cannot be repeated as both parents are retired.

by hexe on 03 May 2019 - 03:05

You have had the dog tested for Lyme, I suppose? A lot of what you describe is textbook for Lyme affecting the neurologic system.

by Koach on 03 May 2019 - 11:05

Lyme testing is negative.


by yogidog on 03 May 2019 - 11:05

Iv seen dogs a bit like this in fact iv have a bitch very similar but not as bad and what I found out about her is her nerve was not strong and always needed to be in drive . Even in the kennel she was Pacing Always anxious never put weight on hard to keep inside . Could not leave a bowl in he pen or it would be destroyed Always barking .the small bit of bite work when she was younger was a nightmare . She is 4 now and got worse with age . I honestly think it’s a Neurological problem With her and it’s affecting her nerves and her control it’s not normal imo . Iv said many times I will put her asleep but would hate to do it . No vet can help I had a brain scan about 2 years ago and nothing showed up . I wish u all the best by the way this is why I was interested in pedigree to see if any dogs match mine 

by Koach on 03 May 2019 - 11:05

yogidog, you just described my dog in so many ways. Our lives in the house and requires constant attention. As this does not show up in very young puppies, who at that age are all excited, it is difficult for the breeder to pick it up. However I believe the breeder should warranty this condition as they do HD. If you send me a pm with your ped i'll look at it and let you know if mine is similar in breed and bloodline. Otherwise my dogs ped is confidential. Thanks for your reply.


by DuganVomEichenluft on 03 May 2019 - 14:05

This is very interesting. I hadn't heard of this.
Have you tried treating for Lyme anyway? Lyme frequently tests false negative.
There must be some kind of Eastern Medicine that could aid in some relief for the dog? Hmm...


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