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by SporterGSD on 09 September 2015 - 14:09

This thread is to discuss structure, movement and TSB in the GHKLR (Großhundklasse Rüden) aka adult male class

VA 1 1005 Ballack von der Brucknerallee
VA 2 1195 Iliano vom Fichtenschlag
VA 3 1074 Pacco vom Langenbungert
VA 4 1235 Labo vom Schollweiher
VA 5 1194 Yoker vom Pendler
VA 6 1048 Willas vom Grafenbrunn
VA 7 1149 Djambo vom Fichtenschlag
VA 8 1168 Yuri vom Osterberger-Land
VA 9 1038 Quoran d' Ulmental
VA 10 1019 Memphis vom Solebrunnen
VA 11 1004 Fred vom Rumbachtal
VA 12 1053 Risco vom Suentelstein
V 1 1039 Cronos del Seprio
V 2 1034 Marlo von Baccara
V 3 1079 Willy vom Kuckucksland
V 4 1010 Xentos von der Wilhelmswarte
V 5 1007 Netzer von Aducht
V 6 1078 Pepe vom Kuckucksland
V 7 1002 Kinan v. Yarek
V 8 1075 Vaiko vom Suentelstein
V 9 1081 Whillo vom Klostermoor
V 10 1006 Desperados vom Pendler
V 11 1085 Bad Boll Super Agent
V 12 1008 Keule vom Holtkämper Hof
V 13 1001 Fight vom Holtkämper Hof
V 14 1192 Duncan vom Messina
V 15 1095 Newton vom Frankengold
V 16 1047 Thor von der Baiertalerstraße
V 17 1205 Finn vom Zellwaldrand
V 18 1107 Figo vom Nordteich
V 19 1253 Nex vom Osterberger-Tal
V 20 1108 Indro vom Hühnegrab
V 21 1113 Green vom Hühnegrab
V 22 1121 Wesly von der Orangerie
V 23 1191 Juwika Destroyer
V 24 1023 Neymar von Aducht
V 25 1277 Team Marlboro Kashmir
V 26 1125 Hugh vom Eichenplatz
V 27 1090 Champ von den Klosterspatzen
V 28 1213 Vac-Vagvölgyi Jenky
V 29 1068 Vitos von Bad-Boll
V 30 1150 Pippo House of Grumil
V 31 1106 Elkan dell Isolotto
V 32 1020 Romero von Bad-Boll
V 33 1060 Hilton du Val D'Anzin
V 34 1097 Ken v. Haus Unid
V 35 1031 Vello d' Ulmental
V 36 1051 Jumber von Dironca
V 37 1026 Rhett von Wilhendorf
V 38 1181 Zeus vom Bierstadter Hof
V 39 1071 Laban vom Emkendorfer
V 40 1093 Esto von der Plassenburg
V 41 1046 Baggio v. Juvenisty
V 42 1044 Taifun vom St.-Michaels-Berg
V 43 1219 Tim von Fidelius
V 44 1110 Pep vom Hanneß
V 45 1269 Dastin vom Türkenkopf
V 46 1111 Team Bulle Hof Murphy
V 47 1064 Yellow von den Paderquellen
V 48 1183 Eon di Casa Nobili
V 49 1069 Milow vom Himmeltal
V 50 1084 Larus v. Amasis
V 51 1126 Iso vom Eichenplatz
V 52 1134 Zafiro vom Suentelstein
V 53 1115 Uran di Val Rufina
V 54 1236 King von Sofanga
V 55 1083 Roy vom Holtkämper
V 56 1141 Raimondo vom Suentelstein
V 57 1042 Klitschko vom Mittenhauser Hof
V 58 1189 Marly v. Haus Trendy
V 59 1177 Quantum zum Turmacker
V 60 1156 Pacino I del Barranquet Arganda d
V 61 1244 Cristiano Ronaldo de Los Madriles Maria Mar Melero Aguado
V 62 1242 Sisko zum Gigelsfelsen
V 63 1249 Luke Two von Wilhendorf
V 64 1109 Xap vom Herzbach
V 65 1133 Kay v. Uebeschi-See
V 66 1142 Arex vom Loholz
V 67 1184 Karly v. Elster Schloss
V 68 1197 Attila v. Phönixson
V 69 1223 Batist vom Sachsenwappen
V 70 1138 Fidus von Media
V 71 1152 Lennox v.d. Zomerdijkslanden
V 72 1057 Nircan vom Stoppelberger Wald
V 73 1170 Adolph
V 74 1173 Nanuk von Appolonia
V 75 1209 Andy vom Zschaitzer Land
V 76 1186 Lingo Feetback
V 77 1206 Happy de Zitan de Arco
V 78 1207 Fritz von Babylon
V 79 1222 Colt vom Helmetal
V 80 1092 Xento von der Bergschlucht
V 81 1094 Woice vom Rader-Kreuz
V 82 1256 Ulf de Sagasta
V 83 1043 Canon vom Heralmaborg
V 84 1103 Alex aus dem Aurum Zwinger
V 85 1251 Jocky vom Wildsteiger Land
V 86 1045 Gando vom Schloss Balgheim
V 87 1257 Xento di Ca'San Marco
V 88 1163 Uranus vom Almhof
V 89 1016 Charly vom Stieglerhof
V 90 1180 Jamiro von Weltwitz
V 91 1232 Atsel Hof Furkad
V 92 1117 Robyn vom Winnloh
V 93 1067 Igor vom Schloß Rosenfels
V 94 1265 Quantor vom Wildsteiger Land
V 95 1239 Django v. Webachtal
V 96 1233 Deifel von der Brunnenklinge
V 97 1224 Fight von Di Caprio
V 98 1024 Toni vom Teutoburger-Wald
V 99 1254 Kellogs vom Lärchenhain
V 100 1070 Bennett vom Westervenn
V 101 1086 Idol di Caput Boreanum
V 102 1033 Moon Schadow von Schloß Winnental
V 104 1179 Lion vom Golzheimerland
V 105 1229 Aldum Faustino
V 106 1036 Faust vom Hülsbach
V 107 1139 Vico vom Messina
V 108 1124 Imani vom Elbe-Saale-Winkel
SG 1 1218 Graf-Grummel von der Wilsdruffer Flur
SG 2 1054 Joe Black Moravia Campanella
SG 3 1129 Degenhardt vom Lausaer Stern
SG 4 1028 Farell vom Hülsbach

by SporterGSD on 09 September 2015 - 14:09

I`d like to start with the VA group and then go into the Vs. Rather a matter of timing, I`m not placing more importance on VAs I`d appreciate it if everyone mentions the dogs that are good in their opinion and gives each dog discussed a personal rating out of 10. From the VA group I`d only ever consider Quoran, Djambo and Risco



An image


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An image

by SporterGSD on 09 September 2015 - 14:09

Quoran 6/10
Djambo 5/10
Risco 7/10

by Blitzen on 09 September 2015 - 15:09

 I never like the toplines on most GSL's including these 3 dogs. Would like to see tighter lips on all these dogs and I can't see their feet.

Quoran - a 6 too. Nice type but too short coupled for me. I like his head the best. It fits his body. He appears to have a low tail set, steep croup. Maybe the way he is set up on the photo.

Djambo -a 7. His left rear leg has been photoshopped, not sure what's going on there, maybe nothing. Looks like a balanced dog, nice color. Do you know how tall he is? He looks to be the most athletic of this group. I'm guessing he would be the best mover of the 3. He might have a bit of a Roman nose? His muzzle appears to be photoshopped too. His ear/s may have needed help standing?

I don't like Risco at all. Too much dog for me, he looks ponderous, is too thick and too short in body for me. I don't see a dog that I would expect to move well at all.  He has one of those Akita heads with too much stop, no level parallel planes, a domey skull, tragic expression, incorrect eye shape and set. He is not a dry dog. I'd give him 5 out of 10.

It's all in the eye of the beholder, isn't it Wink Smile? Good idea. Where's Ibrahim?

by Ibrahim on 09 September 2015 - 17:09

I am here, lol


Allover expression: is very good, posing, head, masculinity, proportions, pigmentation and alertness.
Dryness: best out of the three
Front angulation: shoulder angle the least among the three
Rear angulation: the deepest out of the three
Proportions: very good, closer the minimum ratio of length/height
Head: good size, good proportions, good planes, good earset, good length of neck
Withers: Normal
Topline: more sloping than should with a slight curvature
Croup: good length but the steepest out of the three
Tailset: does not melt very smoothly with croup, nice full tail
Hocks: very good
Underline: the best among the three
Feet: good
Pasterns: the best among the three
Front: straight
Others: .......
Out of 10 I would rate him 8

by Ibrahim on 09 September 2015 - 17:09

I left size out on purpose, hopefully I did not forget about any majoe element


Allover expression: is only good, not very good posing, head planes are not parallel and loose lips, good masculinity, very good proportions, also pigmentation, alertness isn't very good.
Dryness: least out of the three
Front angulation: shoulder angle the best among the three
Rear angulation: 2nd deepest out of the three
Proportions: very good, the best out of the three
Head: big, not parallel planes, good earset, neck a little short
Withers: Normal
Topline: more sloping than should with a slight curvature
Croup: best in length but 2nd steepest out of the three
Tailset: ok
Hocks: very good
Underline: ok
Feet: good
Pasterns: slightly steep
Front: straight
Others: .......
Out of 10 I would rate him 5

by Ibrahim on 09 September 2015 - 18:09


Allover expression: is good, posing, head, masculinity, in regards to proportions he is stretched and looks 3 parts, pigmentation is good, also alertness. He is 2nd best in expression
Dryness: ok, 2nd best
Front angulation: shoulder angle 2nd best
Rear angulation: the best out of the three
Proportions:stretched, long back
Head: good size, good proportions, good planes, good earset, good length of neck, 2nd best
Withers: Normal
Topline: more sloping than should with a slight curvature
Croup: good length and best in angle
Tailset: melts smoothly with croup, nice full tail, the best out of the three
Hocks: very good
Underline: good
Feet: good
Pasterns: soft, the least out of the three
Front: straight
Others: .......
Out of 10 I would rate him 6

by SporterGSD on 09 September 2015 - 18:09

I assure you Djambo isnt the only photoshopped VA

An image

V1 Cronos del Seprio 

Very good head and pigment. Good front angulation, overangled and to steep in rear. tail to long. Cow hocked. Short muzzle with loose skin. TSB 4-4  2-3/10  

by SporterGSD on 09 September 2015 - 18:09

Ibrahim, I agree 100% on Djambo and Risco. I was seduced by Riscos masculinity and dark headTeeth Smile

by Ibrahim on 09 September 2015 - 18:09

Thumbs Up


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