Why no Sieger show results here after 2015? - Page 1

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by huskerden on 02 July 2024 - 12:07

by Auslese on 02 July 2024 - 13:07

Because, sadly, this board has gone dead. All of the people who used to be interested in things like Sieger Show results do not post here anymore either because they have lost interest or are dead etc. For example, years ago, when a famous breeder like Karl Fuller died, there were many replies to the news about him and the fine dogs he bred. Years later, when Hans Peter Rieker, also one of the most important breeders of the past 30 years, died, virtually no one commented or discussed the dogs he bred etc. I could name many of the regular posters here from the past. Same goes for discussions about the Sieger Show, virtually no one seems interested. Sie sind verschungen. They have disappeared.

If you look at the latest posts, they stay the same for months at a time. No one is posting anything about dogs, IGP, what is going on in the SV, WUSV etc etc. There are probably better GSD boards now, I do not know, but sadly this is not one of them anymore.

by benzi on 02 July 2024 - 13:07

Thanks for that info...I've a member for 17 years plus, this used to be the place to be. I thought there might be something wrong with my computer program since there are so few posts. The information on rescues and unbelievable abuse cases I thought were so helpful when the community came together to help assist and save these animals. Even the occasional, "spats, and differences of opinion were informative." Oh well, I guess such is the sign of the times, kind of sad to me...have a safe 4th everyone.

by huskerden on 04 July 2024 - 11:07

Thanks. What are some other GSD forums?


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