5 generation long pedigree for Nanook Tania

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Pedigree for

Nanook Tania


Ziska's Michael

Ziska's Storm Cloud

Can. Ch. Chief of the GladeEng. Ch. Whitestar of KobeEng. Ch. Dimitri of Kobe
Diva of the ArcticEng. Ch. Leader of the Arctic
Zeta of the Arctic
Ziska's DawnNortoba SmokeyCan. Ch. Arrow of Arbee
Arctic of Treasure Valley
Kenuck Mistress SnowStutton Mala
Kenuck Princess Alpha
Ziska's Glow 2nd

Ziska's Commando JoeCan. Ch. Chief of the GladeEng. Ch. Whitestar of Kobe
Diva of the Arctic
Ziska's DawnNortoba Smokey
Kenuck Mistress Snow
Can. Ch. Glow of the ArcticVictor of the ArcticSquire of the Arctic
Eng. Ch. Wings of the Arctic
Eng. Ch. Glacier of the GlacierBuck of the Glacier
Eng. Ch. Sandra of the Glacier
Ziska's Sonya

BIS Can. Ch. Snowland Ziska Buck

Snowland SarnacAm. Ch. Martingate Snowland TazIvanoff of Snowland
Eng. Ch. Bettina Marie
Snowland JoanSnowland Taz
Christina Mariee
Chloe of TundrasSnowland SarnacAm. Ch. Martingate Snowland Taz
Snowland Joan
Zoe of the TundrasDobadil of Kobe
Binnie of the Tundras
BIS Can. Ch. Ziska's Samarisk Masha

Snowland BoscoAm. Ch. Deyomas of IburSnowland Sarnac
Snowland Nicolette
Snowland NadyaRinansey Stormovik of Kobe
Snowland Hope
Silvlandia DianeNo information about the damNo information about the dam
No information about the sire
No information about the sireNo information about the dam
No information about the sire

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